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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Swine Videos (1182) ›
Compensatory growth in pigs, by Dr. Michael Ellis @SwineTalks

Compensatory growth in pigs, by Dr. Michael Ellis @SwineTalks

Swine it - Compensatory growth in pigs, by Dr. Michael Ellis @SwineTalks... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk explains how limiting hay usage can help producers conserve hay while maintaining weight goals in cattle.... More
Taking Calf From Calving Pen!

Taking Calf From Calving Pen!

SaskDutch Kid - Taking Calf From Calving Pen!... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel tells us how wheat pasture conditions can impact the cattle industry.... More
2021 Cattle Industry Convention Update

2021 Cattle Industry Convention Update

2021 Cattle Industry Convention Update... More
Animal Welfare Enters the Realm of Science

Animal Welfare Enters the Realm of Science

The “Five Freedoms” have been the foundation for establishing sound animal welfare practices since they were developed by Britain’s Farm Animal Welfare Council in 1965.... More
How A Milk Parlour Works

How A Milk Parlour Works

SaskDutch Kid - How A Milk Parlour Works... More

Litter Management can Help Control Salmonella Heidelberg

Litter Management can Help Control Salmonella Heidelberg

Ongoing studies to find ways of managing Salmonella Heidelberg loads in poultry litter have suggested that downtime is key to reducing the pathogen’s rates.... More
A Look at the PRICE Act

A Look at the PRICE Act

Recently, bipartisan legislation was introduced in Congress to improve the marketing environment for cattle producers. We talk with Representative Dusty Johnson (R-SD.) about the PRICE Act and how the bill will help producers manage risk on their operations.... More
Sustainable farming - Agriculture durable

Sustainable farming - Agriculture durable

The environment is the hottest issue for young Canadians today. Every one of us has a part to play in slowing global warming. It’s an issue that affects all of us, and our farmers are taking it seriously. Here’s what they think about sustainable farming.... More
Manure Injection

Manure Injection

These days, about 85% of pig manure in Manitoba is injected about 15 centimetres (6 inches) into the soil of cropland. This method of application ensures that valuable nutrients are not lost through runoff into our lakes and waterways but remain firmly in the soil to help crops grow.... More
Technology in Dairy

Technology in Dairy

We take a look at the Ferguson Family Dairy Center and see how technology plays an important part in dairy production.... More
Pork’s Future Relies On Trust Throughout The Pork Value Chain

Pork’s Future Relies On Trust Throughout The Pork Value Chain

In the end, raising hogs is about producing pork, and continuous success depends on building customers’ trust, listening to expectations and meeting their needs. As pork producers and swine veterinarians commit the bulk of their time and attention to the animals, others are charged with building... More
Labeling for Lab Meat Encouraged

Labeling for Lab Meat Encouraged

Grocery store options were limited early in the pandemic but keep expanding as new alternatives fight for shelf space and places in the grocery cart.... More
Beef and Corn: Ecosystems Services

Beef and Corn: Ecosystems Services

What do we mean by ecosystem services and why is this important to corn farmers and cattle producers? Our panel of experts share their thoughts on this topic as well as the value of the Eco-Systems Services Market Consortium.... More
Four of the Most Harmful Flies that Affect Cattle in North America

Four of the Most Harmful Flies that Affect Cattle in North America

This video helps you identify the four major fly pests that Affect Cattle in North America.... More


Another 17 LAMBS TODAY!! Including 4 sets of triplets!! Thinking this lambing group is going to be FAST & FURIOUS!!... More
On-Farm Safety with Jason Detzel

On-Farm Safety with Jason Detzel

This video will review ways that you can decrease stress on your muscles and joints, protect yourself when moving or interacting with heavy equipment or animals, and how to complete preventative and maintenance exercises to keep your body in good shape for years to come.... More
Thoughts on the fundamentals of pig farming - Todd Thurman

Thoughts on the fundamentals of pig farming - Todd Thurman

Thoughts on the fundamentals of pig farming - Todd Thurman | Swine it... More
Pouring Concrete For Our NEW Hog Barn..

Pouring Concrete For Our NEW Hog Barn..

Hog Barn Wall Construction- In this one Tork starts off the week with a special “Sunday Fix It” episode. Then it’s time to start pouring concrete for our new hog barn. The crew starts in on pouring the walls and columns on the north half of the building. One 1200 room down another 1200 room to ... More
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