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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Calving Update

Calving Update

The weather continues to be an issue during the 2020 calving season. Alberta Ranch Calving... More
Sheep Industry Hits Rough Spot, but Optimistic

Sheep Industry Hits Rough Spot, but Optimistic

As beef, pork and chicken dominate the meat sector, they also proved to be vulnerable when points in the supply chain were severely impacted by COVID-19.... More
COVID, Farm Bill Changes, Cost Dairy Farmers

COVID, Farm Bill Changes, Cost Dairy Farmers

Changes in the 2018 farm bill and COVID-19 have cost Idaho and the nations dairy farmers millions of dollars.... More
Vet Scripts

Vet Scripts

In Vet Scripts, Barry Whitworth says the risk of an avian influenza outbreak goes up during the fall and winter months, and poultry producers need to practice good biosecurity.... More
Minister Ernie Hardeman Visits Burnbrae Farms for Agriculture Week

Minister Ernie Hardeman Visits Burnbrae Farms for Agriculture Week

Burnbrae Farms Limited is the largest solar-powered egg farm in Canada and shares its surplus power with the adjoining farm. The sustainable energy solution in this farm consists of four barns that utilize high-efficiency motors, lighting and ventilation systems to ensure minimal power usage to ... More
Inadequate Iron Supplements Lead to Subclinical Anemia in Young Pigs

Inadequate Iron Supplements Lead to Subclinical Anemia in Young Pigs

A field trial evaluating iron supplementation for baby pigs found the typical 200 mg iron shot at birth is not enough.... More
Direct-Fed Microbials Can Impact Salmonella Vaccine Efficacy

Direct-Fed Microbials Can Impact Salmonella Vaccine Efficacy

Some direct-fed microbial additives with live cultures have been found to impact the efficacy of modified-live vaccines.... More

New CFAP-2 Details for Cattle Producers

New CFAP-2 Details for Cattle Producers

The National Cattlemen's Beef Association has been instrumental in securing authorization and funding for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP).... More
Organic Dairy Farm in Canada

Organic Dairy Farm in Canada

Mapleton's Organic provides healthy, local, and environmentally sustainable products produced in their on-farm dairy. It is a core belief of Mapleton's that people should have the opportunity to see their food being produced up close, so guests and visitors are welcome.... More
Manitoba Beef Nutrition Seminar - Dr. John McKinnon

Manitoba Beef Nutrition Seminar - Dr. John McKinnon

What Veterinarians and Industry Professionals need to know about mineral Nutrition... More
Gut Microbiome and Feed Efficiency of Pigs

Gut Microbiome and Feed Efficiency of Pigs

Gut microbiome composition differences among breeds impact feed efficiency in swine.... More
Loading Out PIGS..

Loading Out PIGS..

Loading Pigs - In this one the boys start off the week with a little bit of fixing. One of the feed lines was acting up and needed some elbow grease to get it running again. Then it's on to some real pig farming loading 6 loads of pigs.... More
Feed during early gestation - Dr. Jeff Hansen

Feed during early gestation - Dr. Jeff Hansen

Feed during early gestation - Dr. Jeff Hansen | Swine it... More
Digging Kunekune Pigs and Greenhouse Plans

Digging Kunekune Pigs and Greenhouse Plans

For months now, on this Canadian homestead, we have been raving about the kunekune pigs and how well they do on pasture and the fact that they do not seem to dig. Well turns out pigs are pigs, but we still love them as a breed. There has even been discussion of adding to our herd.... More
African Swine Fever in Germany- what happens now? Pork Talk

African Swine Fever in Germany- what happens now? Pork Talk

We look at how the pork market has reacted so far to the discovery of African Swine Fever in the German wild boar herd and what the consequences could be going forward.... More
Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Mike Briggs, feedlot manager from Seward, Nebraska, analyzes the September Cattle on Feed Report and the market’s response.... More
Prevention and Preparation Pay

Prevention and Preparation Pay

Zoetis technical services veterinarian Mark Alley discusses the aim to prevent illness in calves while being prepared to treat anything from scours to other disease if it shows up. This video news release is provided by Certified Angus Beef LLC and the American Angus Association.... More
Utilizing On-farm Testing Key To Helping Processors Understand S. Infantis Loads

Utilizing On-farm Testing Key To Helping Processors Understand S. Infantis Loads

Using a range of testing methods for Salmonella Infantis can help broiler companies build a better picture of how effective interventions against the pathogen are performing.... More
What They Don’t Tell You In Veterinary School: Take Care Of Yourself

What They Don’t Tell You In Veterinary School: Take Care Of Yourself

Veterinarians love animals and want to help them, said Emily Byers, DVM, a veterinarian with Prestage Farms.... More
Translating Moos

Translating Moos

Alexandra Green, graduate student at the University of Sydney, discusses the way cows communicate with each other and how her research is working to understand them.... More
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