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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Host Genetic Response to PRRS Vaccination and Infection in Sows

Host Genetic Response to PRRS Vaccination and Infection in Sows

This video from the third virtual session of Iowa Swine Day 2020 features Dr. Nick Serão of Iowa State University presenting "Host genetic response to PRRS vaccination and infection in sows.”... More


In this one I do a ton of pig farming. Including checking bins, ordering feed, pulling pigs, flipping feeders, and ending the night with some mowing. We’re getting closer to the end of our Site 1 pig group.... More
Manitoba Pork Chair - low hog prices plaguing western producers

Manitoba Pork Chair - low hog prices plaguing western producers

A change must be made to the pricing of hogs, in order to ensure the ongoing viability of hog farmers in Western Canada.... More
Researchers ‘look beyond the normal’ to identify emerging disease

Researchers ‘look beyond the normal’ to identify emerging disease

The first case of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus (Strep. zoo) was identified in the US pig population last fall, and it’s not an organism to be taken lightly.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Possibility of Early Fall Calving

Cow-Calf Corner - Possibility of Early Fall Calving

In Cow-Calf Corner, Glenn Selk says fall calving season sometimes arrives earlier than expected.... More

Who's The Faster Milker?

SaskDutch Kid - Who's The Faster Milker?... More

What's Up at Holstein USA - Evolution of Genomics with Mike Lohuis

What's Up at Holstein USA - Evolution of Genomics with Mike Lohuis... More

Verified Beef Production Plus - Davidson Cattle Co.

Verified Beef Production Plus - Davidson Cattle Co.

The Davidsons completed their Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) on-farm audit and received certification in the fall of 2019. Going forward, the Davidsons will be selling calves from their VBP+ certified operation. Those calves have been age verified and registered in TrustBIX’s Business Info... More
Feeding Cows at -40

Feeding Cows at -40

We thaw water bowls, feed and bed cattle all while enjoying temperatures down to -45.... More
Managing Cattle Through Dry Conditions

Managing Cattle Through Dry Conditions

Nebraska Extension Cattle Management Specialist Karla Wilke explains options producers have for conserving forage and keeping their cattle healthy during hot and dry conditions.... More
"As it turns out" Ep1 2020

"As it turns out" Ep1 2020

Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association - "As it turns out" Ep1 2020... More
Milking 40 cows in a tie stall barn

Milking 40 cows in a tie stall barn

40 cow dairy in Ontario. showing the processes of a evening milking.... More
Time to Invest in Market-Transport Biosecurity

Time to Invest in Market-Transport Biosecurity

Grow-finish farms are the last segment of hog production to enact strict biosecurity protocols.... More
Gut microbiome and feed efficiency of pigs

Gut microbiome and feed efficiency of pigs

Gut microbiome composition differences among breeds impact feed efficiency in swine.... More
What is the biggest mistake I see in swine nutrition - Dr. Hans Stein

What is the biggest mistake I see in swine nutrition - Dr. Hans Stein

What is the biggest mistake I see in swine nutrition - Dr. Hans Stein | Swine it... More
Sorting and Loading Hogs in Northwest Iowa

Sorting and Loading Hogs in Northwest Iowa

Here is a great look at real hog farming in 2020! From sorting to loading with some amateur hog calling.... More
Evaluating Sow Feeding Strategies on Litter Performance and Piglet Survival

Evaluating Sow Feeding Strategies on Litter Performance and Piglet Survival

In this video, Kiah Gourley, Kansas State University, explains the research done to evaluate different feeding strategies prior to farrowing and the impact on sow and litter performance, farrowing duration and piglet survival.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel has an outlook for cattle markets as we move into the fall.... More
Livestock Industry Studies Pain Management in Food Animals

Livestock Industry Studies Pain Management in Food Animals

Consumers have taken a greater interest in how their food is grown and arrives on their table.... More
Right Skills Critical to Managing Cage-Free Egg Production

Right Skills Critical to Managing Cage-Free Egg Production

Producers making the switch to cage-free egg production need to ensure they and their staff are properly prepared for managing potential increases in Salmonella and other health challenges associated with those systems.... More
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