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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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working in a dairy barn here in ontario canada.dairy farm worker,dairy barn dairy farm life.dairy farming job.... More
Vet Scripts - Vesicular Stomatitis

Vet Scripts - Vesicular Stomatitis

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information about vesicular stomatitis and its entry into Oklahoma.... More
Shearing Day in the Sheep Barn!

Shearing Day in the Sheep Barn!

ITS SHEARING DAY FOR MY RAMS!! I wait intentionally to shear my rams in the summer so they feel COOLER, and in turn, hopefully breed for me here in a few days!... More
How Milk is Picked up from Dairy Farms

How Milk is Picked up from Dairy Farms

SaskDutch Kid - Followed the milk trucker as he picked up our milk.... More
Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Briggs Feed Yard's Mike Briggs explains why basis is negative, and if he's bullish on the cattle market right now.... More
How to Train Your Showpig

How to Train Your Showpig

How to Train Your Showpig... More
SHIC: PED caught US unprepared

SHIC: PED caught US unprepared

Whether the issue is an emerging disease such as porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) or the threat of African swine fever (ASF) today, being prepared is key to minimizing the potential impact on the US swine herd and expediting the recovery.... More

Should we provide liquid feeding after weaning?

Should we provide liquid feeding after weaning?

Should we provide liquid feeding after weaning? | Swine it... More
New BABY Pigs On The Farm

New BABY Pigs On The Farm

In this one I start by hauling our bag feed into the pig barn before the pigs arrive. Next I explain how we go about penning pigs. The truck shows up and it’s time to unload and sort them into pens evenly. We also go in depth on how and why we mat feed.... More
Swine Health Information Center: Preparing for emerging diseases

Swine Health Information Center: Preparing for emerging diseases

Whether the issue is an emerging disease such as porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) or the threat of African swine fever (ASF) today, being prepared is key to minimizing the potential impact on the US swine herd and expediting the recovery.... More
Horses & Blister Beetles

Horses & Blister Beetles

Kris Hiney has information on blister beetles and how they can be fatal to horses if ingested.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Water Needs

Cow-Calf Corner - Water Needs

Glenn Selk has an estimate for water needs for cattle.... More
ND is Stable in US But Poultry Industry Should be on Lookout for Evolving Strains

ND is Stable in US But Poultry Industry Should be on Lookout for Evolving Strains

Newcastle disease (ND) throughout most of the US remains stable, but the industry needs to be on guard for changes in the virus that may require adaption of ND vaccines, Guillermo Zavala, DVM, PhD, president, Avian Health International, cautioned in an interview with Poultry Health Today.... More
She’s Got it All

She’s Got it All

Dan Loy, Iowa State University researcher, talks about the relationship between fertility and marbling and why cattlemen can have both in their dams and sires.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel explains why meat prices will eventually return to normal.... More
Improving Biosecurity and Welfare of Animals During Transportation

Improving Biosecurity and Welfare of Animals During Transportation

Led by Prairie Swine Institute with support from the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture (CCHSA) Activity 1 builds on a previous project of the Canadian AgriSafety Applied Research Program of 2014 - 2018 in which a prototype transport trailer was designed to reduce pathogen dist... More

What's In a Horse First Aid Kit

Accidents happen. From cuts and scrapes to fever and lameness, a hoof abscess or a puncture wound, being prepared can make all the difference.... More
Managing Bacterial Pathogens

Managing Bacterial Pathogens

Bacterial pathogens like Streptococcus suis and Haemophilus parasuis continue to cause major issues for growing and adult pigs.... More
Cattle & Mineral Supplements

Cattle & Mineral Supplements

We visit the north range to talk with Dave Lalman about the importance of mineral supplements.... More
NCBA Celebrates Implementation of Trade Deal

NCBA Celebrates Implementation of Trade Deal

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is celebrating the successful implementation of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).... More
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