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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Burnbrae Farms: Strathroy Grading

Burnbrae Farms: Strathroy Grading

Learn more about the environmental and sustainable initiatives championed by our team in Strathroy, Ontario. Finalist along with our Oxford County solar farm for the 2020 London Chamber of Commerce, Business Excellence Awards in the Environmental Leadership Category.... More
CFO Women in Leadership Industry Tour

CFO Women in Leadership Industry Tour

CFO Women in Leadership Industry Tour | Chicken Farmers of Ontario... More
Dr. Andres Gomez: the Microbiome, teasing out the buzz from reality

Dr. Andres Gomez: the Microbiome, teasing out the buzz from reality

Today’s episode will cover the Microbiome: teasing out the buzz from reality. “The microbiome is the one part of the genome of the pigs that we can modify. In the future, microbiome analysis will be as common as PCR are today.”... More
WEANING DAY for the last group of lambs (with some special helpers)

WEANING DAY for the last group of lambs (with some special helpers)

Finally weaning the last of the December/January lambs!... More
Helping Cold Stressed Calves

Helping Cold Stressed Calves

Dr. Rosslyn Biggs explains what producers can do to rehabilitate cold stressed calves.... More
Swift Communication Key To Limiting The Risk Of Poultry Disease Outbreaks.

Swift Communication Key To Limiting The Risk Of Poultry Disease Outbreaks.

Excellent systems of communication between farm staff and veterinarians are critical when it comes to managing disease outbreaks and reducing their potential spread.... More
An Interview with our Cage Free Pork Farmer - Nutrafarms

An Interview with our Cage Free Pork Farmer - Nutrafarms

A while back we sat down with Eric, our cage-free pork farmer to ask him a few questions about his farm and why he raises his animals in a traditional style.... More

Wondering about Animal Care on Beef Farms?

Wondering about Animal Care on Beef Farms?

As beef farmers, making sure our animals receive the top-quality care 365 days a year is the top priority on our farms.... More
Feed mill biosecurity: Tracking a PEDV outbreak

Feed mill biosecurity: Tracking a PEDV outbreak

An effective biosecurity strategy is not a stagnant process. It is continuously influenced by changes in pig-flows, disease pressures, virus evolution, emerging health issues and more. One such example is porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV).... More
Liquidating Farm Assets & Tax Implications

Liquidating Farm Assets & Tax Implications

We learn about the process of liquidating farm assets from Rodney Jones, then JC Hobbs has information about the tax implications of selling farm equipment and land.... More
Moving Chickens into the Permaculture Orchard

Moving Chickens into the Permaculture Orchard

Moving Chickens into the Permaculture Orchard. After the first couple of weeks with a predator pinball enclosure the chickens get moved into the permaculture orchard.... More
Follow the marbling

Follow the marbling

Dan Loy shared findings from his white paper and research on maternal traits and marbling at the 2019 Angus Convention.... More
No bad days

No bad days

Tom Jones, owner-manager at Hy-Plains Feed Yard, says cattle handling makes a difference in final performance and grade. It’s an area of focus at his Montezuma, Kan., yard.... More
How, when & why we shear our sheep.

How, when & why we shear our sheep.

How, why and when we shear our sheep. Charlie and Alvin are back to give the ladies a makeover before they are due to lamb again in 8 weeks!... More
Beef Farmer Sandra Voss Shares Her Connection to the Land

Beef Farmer Sandra Voss Shares Her Connection to the Land

Sandra Voss is one of 19,000 farmers across Ontario and they all have one thing in common – passion for raising cattle and taking care of the land to provide safe, healthy and delicious beef products for your family and ours. Sandra farms her 80-acre cow-calf farm on her own. Her nursing career ... More
Ag-Adventure – A Different Side of the Dairy Industry.

Ag-Adventure – A Different Side of the Dairy Industry.

It’s another Ag-Adventure with Erin Nessmith. Erin visits Eatonton, Georgia and T&W Farms. It's a dairy operation and we'll show you a different side to the dairy industry. And to do that Erin talks with one of the Georgia Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher members.... More
Millsap Farms - WeCover Customer Profile

Millsap Farms - WeCover Customer Profile

David Millsap and his son Tate discuss how happy they are with their new 140 x 278 Beef Barn in Creemore, Ontario.... More
What is a Lamb Feedlot?

What is a Lamb Feedlot?

While lamb meat hasn’t been the most popular choice at the dinner table for many North Americans, the fact that it is an incredibly important part of a diet for many other cultures, particularly ones that are immigrating to Canada, means that demand for it continues to grow.... More
Feed Mill Biosecurity: Risk-based Approach

Feed Mill Biosecurity: Risk-based Approach

There are literally a lot of moving parts in a feed mill and the manufacturing process and because biosecurity protocols were essentially non-existent, getting started means taking a risk-based approach.... More
Caring For Our Animals: Because It’s The Right Thing To Do

Caring For Our Animals: Because It’s The Right Thing To Do

Karla Dorale never thought she would be an Iowa pig farmer, but then she married one. To her surprise, she discovered that she loves taking care of pigs. “I care so deeply about the well-being of my animals because it is the right thing to do." Karla explains the actions she and pig farmers acro... More
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