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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Profitability in pork industry about putting right insights together at right time

Profitability in pork industry about putting right insights together at right time

Patrick Duerksen, pork category lead with Provimi, talks will us about Feedstuffs Precision Pork, a new weekly market podcast launching April 3. The podcast, a joint project of Feedstuffs and Provimi, will feature Dave Bauer, market analyst with Provimi, who will highlight market indicators curr... More
CattleFax Looks at COVID-19 Impact

CattleFax Looks at COVID-19 Impact

On a weekly average basis, cattle prices across all classes have fallen due to the Coronavirus. Duane Lenz of CattleFax , looks at both the short-term and long-term implications of the COVID-19 outbreak.... More
Day in the Life of a Dairy Farmer | Miller Dairy Farm

Day in the Life of a Dairy Farmer | Miller Dairy Farm

In this Vlog Matt goes behind the scenes at the Miller Dairy Farm to show you how much work actually goes into getting a viable product onto store shelves.... More
Welcome to our Sheep Farm

Welcome to our Sheep Farm

For new sheep farmers, inquisitive minds, or experienced sheep farmers who are curious as to how, what and why we built this style of sheep barn.... More
CFO Chair & President and CEO 2019 Digital AGM Summary

CFO Chair & President and CEO 2019 Digital AGM Summary

CFO Chair & President and CEO 2019 Digital AGM Summary | Chicken Farmers of Ontario... More
Deen: Apply Old Lessons to New Technologies

Deen: Apply Old Lessons to New Technologies

Classical education emphasizes the need for industries to adopt new technologies to keep up with external demands and constantly changing economic environments.... More
Trusscore in the Elora Research Station - Dairy Facility

Trusscore in the Elora Research Station - Dairy Facility

A quick tour of the Elora Research Station - Dairy Facility, where Trusscore Wall and Ceiling Boards are used in agricultural application.... More

Demonstrating a Biolectric Carbon Neutral Farm in Rural Ontario

Demonstrating a Biolectric Carbon Neutral Farm in Rural Ontario

In this video you will find out why farmers in Canada are installing biolectric farm scale digesters.... More
Measuring Effectiveness of On-Farm Interventions Key to Salmonella Control

Measuring Effectiveness of On-Farm Interventions Key to Salmonella Control

Understanding the impact specific on-farm interventions can have on Salmonella is critical to helping the US poultry industry meet government standards around the disease, according to a leading veterinarian.... More
Always Move Forward

Always Move Forward

As our country, and the world, are challenged by uncertainty – we embrace reflection.It’s in times like these where what we value in life, suddenly seems so clear. So, we celebrate those who provide us with the necessities of life.... More
Starhill Farms - VMS V300 Testimonial

Starhill Farms - VMS V300 Testimonial

Starhill Farms of Vankleek, Ontario milk cows with 2 DeLaval VMS milking system V300s. Learn more from owner, Trevor Cunning, about their experience with robotics.... More
Dan Bussieres: applied Pig Nutrition, Update from Canada

Dan Bussieres: applied Pig Nutrition, Update from Canada

“We cannot replace antibiotics and zinc by just looking at feed additives. I think we have to think outside of the box but beyond that, we have to look at how we feed our pigs based on fiber, energy, protein, and amino acids… so we have to make sure that we look at the whole diet.”... More
BQA creates confidence

BQA creates confidence

Josh White, Executive Director of Producer Education and Sustainability at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, talks about the benefits of Beef Quality Assurance for producers.... More
Update on NCBA

Update on NCBA's Work Since the Start of COVID-19

Update on NCBA's Work Since the Start of COVID-19... More
How much does it cost us to raise a lamb?

How much does it cost us to raise a lamb?

How much does it cost us to raise a lamb from weaning age (8 weeks) to market (105 lbs)?... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Calf Diarrhea

Cow-Calf Corner - Calf Diarrhea

Glenn Selk covers the importance of preventing calf diarrhea in your herd.... More
Chronic PED Cases Linger, Setting the Stage for Elimination

Chronic PED Cases Linger, Setting the Stage for Elimination

The wild run of porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) striking the pork industry in 2013 has slowed substantially. But chronic versions of PED continue to plague some farms. ... More
New Technology Helping Poultry Producers

New Technology Helping Poultry Producers

With more than 25 million pounds of chicken produced each and every day here in Georgia, it is essential for growers to maintain the most efficient houses possible without sacrificing any quality.... More
Daily Chores, Milking Cows and 1 Massive dog Attacks me!

Daily Chores, Milking Cows and 1 Massive dog Attacks me!

Helping out on a Family Farm. Meet Hank and see the daily grind for this family farm. Watch Aaron milk a cow and then lear how to di it the right way!... More
Our Employees: Finding a better life in Canada

Our Employees: Finding a better life in Canada

Our Mississauga employees tell their story about coming to Canada and working for Burnbrae Farms.... More
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