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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Making Shreddies for the Cows! And a calf update!

Making Shreddies for the Cows! And a calf update!

Making Shreddies for the Cows! And a calf update! | | South Sask Farmer... More
Pasture Weed of the Month-Plantain

Pasture Weed of the Month-Plantain

Learn about Plantain weeds and how to control.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, previews the upcoming Blueprint for the Future Cattlemen’s Conference.... More
Williamson Cattle Company Talks Sustainability

Williamson Cattle Company Talks Sustainability

Environmental stewardship is always top of mind at Williamson Cattle Company in Florida. John Williamson tells us how his family’s proximity to Lake Okeechobee can impact their land and cattle, and some of the ways they work to make sure the valuable nutrients stay on the land and don’t go into ... More
Annual Forages - Brad Schick

Annual Forages - Brad Schick

When it comes to grazing cover crops as forage there are two options on what to plant. Annual or perennial. we caught up with extension educator Brad Schick to discuss what should go into planning for turning livestock out to graze these two types of cover crops.... More
How to calculate your carrying capacity

How to calculate your carrying capacity

Carrying capacity, also known as grazing capacity, is the amount of forage a specific pasture produces that is available for grazing animals. Determining a long-term, sustainable carrying capacity for a pasture is a key component of balancing forage supply and forage demand and is developed over... More
How Farm Bureau Women are Advocating for Agriculture

How Farm Bureau Women are Advocating for Agriculture

Becoming a leader and an advocate is a journey. The Farm Bureau Women's Leadership Committee is equipping women to be leaders and advocates for agriculture in their communities and beyond. On this episode of Farmside Chat, Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall chats with the Women’s Leadership Comm... More

What Earth Day Means to Farmers and Ranchers

What Earth Day Means to Farmers and Ranchers

We’re on location in Florida to celebrate Earth Day, which is intended to raise awareness about the need to protect our planet’s natural resources for future generations. We asked some the ranchers we’ll hear from in this special episode what earth day means to them.... More
What to do After the Storm

What to do After the Storm

Amy Hagerman, OSU Extension agricultural policy specialist, has information on what to do if you and your family are impacted by severe weather.... More
Hog Markets | Lee Schulz

Hog Markets | Lee Schulz

This week we are taking an in-depth look at the Hog Markets. We were joined earlier this week by Lee Schulz of Iowa State University to get his take. Here is our conversation from Wednesday afternoon.... More
Our daughter has cancer.

Our daughter has cancer.

I wasn't sure if this would ever be shared, but Jess was bound and determined to document her journey with cancer in hopes of supporting others who may be struggling with this terrifying disease.... More


I BOUGHT LONGHORNS!!! | | Farm & Hammer... More
April: Checking the cows at night

April: Checking the cows at night

Season 3 Episode 11: Welcome back to Pine Ranch, Erika is on night check, which means she gets up in the middle of the night to check on the cows during calving season. And even though Erika hopes every night that there's no calves to deal with (who wouldn't want to get back to her cozy bed?)... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel, OSU Extension livestock marketing specialist, says the fed cattle market is at an all-time high.... More
Pastured Pork Production Welfare, Health and Biosecurity - Teaching Tools for Beginning Farmers

Pastured Pork Production Welfare, Health and Biosecurity - Teaching Tools for Beginning Farmers

Pastured Pork Production Welfare, Health and Biosecurity - Teaching Tools for Beginning Farmers | | NC Choices... More
Nighttime Lighting Systems for Wild Pigs

Nighttime Lighting Systems for Wild Pigs

This video discusses nighttime lighting systems for wild pigs, including Texas laws and regulations regarding night hunting under various types of artificial and natural lighting. Also discussed are biological aspects of wild pig behavior and physiology including nocturnal habit and eyesight.... More
My new RECORD wild hog catch. (Huge load of hogs)

My new RECORD wild hog catch. (Huge load of hogs)

My new RECORD wild hog catch. (Huge load of hogs) | David Ellis: Yawt Yawt... More
Canadian super pig invasion?

Canadian super pig invasion?

"Super pigs", feral pigs that have bred with boars, are wreaking havoc on agriculture and the environment. They also can transmit diseases.... More
#44 -More than meets the eye: respiratory diseases in swine - Drs. Michael Rahe and Rachel Derscheid

#44 -More than meets the eye: respiratory diseases in swine - Drs. Michael Rahe and Rachel Derscheid

You know what they say: not everything is as it seems... That's especially true for diagnosing respiratory diseases in swine: interpretation can be quite a challenge. That is because a respiratory infection may look like a specific disease, but this does not mean we are going to get that diagnos... More
Why Small Farms Fail

Why Small Farms Fail

Why do so many small farms fail and go out of business?... More
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