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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Why Small Farms Fail

Why Small Farms Fail

Why do so many small farms fail and go out of business?... More
Baby Pigs & Pouring Concrete

Baby Pigs & Pouring Concrete

In this one Tork and Sawyer show you the new progress being done to the farm shop. Then it’s on to getting more baby weaner pigs. We are a 6th generation family farm located in southeast Iowa. We enjoy sharing our part in agriculture with you and hope to show our followers the ups and downs... More
Milchviehbetrieb, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland | EASYFIX-Stalleinrichtung

Milchviehbetrieb, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland | EASYFIX-Stalleinrichtung

Der Familienbetrieb Stolley in Schleswig-Holstein baute 2021 eine neuen Liegeboxenlaufstall für seine 120 Kühe. Mit dem Neubau wurde ein moderner Stall mit Auslauf für mehr Kuhkomfort und Tierwohl geschaffen.... More
Oh mama, that HAD to HURT!!! ...TWO heads at ONCE!? | Vlog 686

Oh mama, that HAD to HURT!!! ...TWO heads at ONCE!? | Vlog 686

Oh boy... this lambing session just keeps tossing me more challenges I've never seen before. Today, our little prolapse mama finally went into labour!!! Problem is, two of her lambs were trying to deliver at once, and BOTH heads were blocking the path that leads out!... More
The Idaho Ostrich Farm

The Idaho Ostrich Farm

Alex McCoy tried ostrich meat in South Africa while training for a big race. Since then, he was hooked and wanted to bring ostrich meat to America.... More

Ireland's First Buffalo Farm in Cork | EASYFIX Evolve Feed Fence

Thomas Meehan is the Farm Manager at Macroom Buffalo Farm - Ireland's First Buffalo Farm that was set up by Johnny Lynch. They are milking 130 buffalo's and produce 3 different types of buffalo cheese on site. Thomas explains why they opted for the EASYFIX Evolve Feed Fence and the benefits t... More
Sheep Farming: Letting The Sheep Outdoors!

Sheep Farming: Letting The Sheep Outdoors!

Today at Ewetopia Farms, we finally get to do chores in warmer weather. I think spring has finally sprung and it is time for letting the sheep outdoors! As such, we got some yard work done in between looking after the sheep. We put bedding down in a few of the barns. While doing this in the Cove... More

Sheep Farming: Easter On The Farm

Sheep Farming: Easter On The Farm

at Ewetopia Farms, it is Easter on the farm, so instead of focusing on work, we have a leisurely day watching the lambs as they go outside to play in their new boy/girl groups. Hope you all had a happy holiday.... More
A Look at Block and Bridle

A Look at Block and Bridle

Over the years, many college students have joined their local chapter of Block and Bridle, a national organization that promotes animal agriculture and helps develop leadership skills. We had a chance to ask some members how Block and Bridle works and how it’s impacted their lives.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, discusses pasture management in regard to nitrogen applications.... More
Livestock Markets - Elliott Dennis

Livestock Markets - Elliott Dennis

Earlier this week, we had the pleasure of chatting with UNL Livestock Economist, Elliott Dennis, to discuss the state of the Cattle Markets. Here is our conversation from Wednesday afternoon.... More
USDA Hogs and Pigs Quarterly Report Analysis Q1 - March 31, 2023

USDA Hogs and Pigs Quarterly Report Analysis Q1 - March 31, 2023

USDA released its Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report on March 30, 2023. The Pork Checkoff hosted a webinar featuring guest analysts who provided their insights.... More
Saying Hi to All the Animals - Afternoon Chores

Saying Hi to All the Animals - Afternoon Chores

Making the afternoon rounds to take care of the chickens, pigs, and cattle.... More
Farm Girl

Farm Girl's First Time Loading Pigs

In this one Tork and Sawyer sort 3 loads of pigs at Site 2. Then Kat gets her first taste of loading pigs.... More
#190 - Swine Nutrition Graduate Degree: is it for me? - Dr. Cassie Jones

#190 - Swine Nutrition Graduate Degree: is it for me? - Dr. Cassie Jones

Making a career choice can be challenging, especially when we are still young and inexperienced. When we bring that discussion into the swine industry in particular, we realize that not many students know all the possibilities on the table beyond becoming veterinarians. Besides, not all of them ... More
The Whole Hog with Reise: Fun facts about pigs in Saskatchewan

The Whole Hog with Reise: Fun facts about pigs in Saskatchewan

The Whole Hog with Reise: Fun facts about pigs in Saskatchewan | PickPork Saskatchewan... More

You've never seen livestock watering system like this! Automatic No Electricity!

You've never seen a livestock watering system like this! Automatic No Electricity! Link to Products used in this and other farm vlogsToday we're gonna make some upgrades to our livestock water system...we'll show you how we construct a fully automated..without electricity watering system for ou... More
PenPoint: Helping Cattle Feeders Manage Diversity

PenPoint: Helping Cattle Feeders Manage Diversity

We’ve got a look at Elanco’s PenPoint Sort, a bolt-on chute technology system that helps simplify the difficult task of objectively measuring and sorting cattle.... More
Sheep Farming: Quiet Day

Sheep Farming: Quiet Day

it is a quiet day on the farm. But we do get to see a new lamb, we release other lambs from the jug, we check on the freshly shorn ewes, we figure out why Loiuse was crying, and more. Come join us as we go through our day!... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, discusses how producers can manage their pastures this spring amid the ongoing drought.... More
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