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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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NRCS Offers Programs to Help Preserve Grassland Resources

NRCS Offers Programs to Help Preserve Grassland Resources

Farmers and ranchers often deal with challenges that can have a negative impact on their grass, including encroachment by brush and trees. One important ally is the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service. Karen Woodrich, Acting Deputy Chief for Programs for NRCS, explains some of the tech... More
Broiler Breeder Farm & Hatchery 360 video

Broiler Breeder Farm & Hatchery 360 video

If you’ve ever wondered how fertilized chicken eggs are produced and then turned into hatching chicks, you’re going to want to watch this video. You’ll see inside a Canadian broiler breeder poultry farm and learn all there is to know about raising this type of poultry flock. Then, you’ll travel... More

It's getting Cold!!!!

It's getting Cold!!!! | | Life On A Manitoba Farm... More
It Ain

It Ain't Easy Being Clean - Proper Disinfection Techniques - Aaron Juergens

To have efficient biosecurity and good health on your pig farm, you need to start at the beginning: making sure your facility is as clean as possible when the pigs move in. However, it may not be as simple as it sounds – after all, proper cleaning and disinfection of a pig barn takes time and at... More
Farm Mortality Issues Highlight Importance Of Checking Water Supply

Farm Mortality Issues Highlight Importance Of Checking Water Supply

Producers need to be alert to the dangers of drinking-water toxicity issues, according to a senior industry veterinarian.... More
Dr. John Deen: Why the average pig is not a great indicator for potential value

Dr. John Deen: Why the average pig is not a great indicator for potential value

When we analyze a population of pigs, oftentimes the average pig is considered the most important statistic, and efforts are directed to improving them in the barn. However, if improving the entire population is our goal, maybe that shouldn’t be our main focus. In this episode, I talk with Dr. J... More
Sheep Farming: Cold Weather Farming!

Sheep Farming: Cold Weather Farming!

Today at Ewetopia Farms, the cold weather weather affected our daily routines on the farm . With the cold comes the inherent problems with freezing, such as the water drinker freezing today in the Dorset lambing pen. As we did chores, we checked the pregnant ewes for udder development and feel t... More

Real Pork Gets Real Results | Bill Even, NPB CEO

Real Pork Gets Real Results | Bill Even, NPB CEO

Real Pork is the industry’s trust and image brand. It’s about leading the conversation with consumers, differentiating pork from the alternatives and growing its future.... More
Loading Feeder Pigs

Loading Feeder Pigs

In this one Tork fixes some water nipples for the pigs, Sawyer and Tork load 2 loads of overstocks & Tork gives you an update on the Airbnb fixer upper project.... More
How agglutination can address post-weaning scours - Dr. Stacie Crowder

How agglutination can address post-weaning scours - Dr. Stacie Crowder

In today’s episode, I talk with Dr. Stacie Crowder about trial data for a product that addresses post-weaning scours in nursery pigs. This product focuses on agglutination of bacteria to support gut integrity and nursery pig performance.... More
Lessons a Dairy Scientist Can Teach the Swine Industry about the Application of Precision Feeding

Lessons a Dairy Scientist Can Teach the Swine Industry about the Application of Precision Feeding

Conference by Dr. Trevor DeVries, University of Guelph, Canada. Presented during the 2022 GESTAL Swine Summit.... More
Pig Farm Repairs

Pig Farm Repairs

In this one Sawyer gives you an update on how the pigs are doing up at site 3, then it’s on to making repairs at our site 1 hog barn. Greasing anchor bearings, checking motor oil & replacing an anchor bearing.... More
New Antibiotic Restrictions in Cattle Production

New Antibiotic Restrictions in Cattle Production

Herd health is always a top priority for members of the beef industry, but new restrictions on the purchase and use of certain antibiotics could have an impact on how you care for your cattle. Dr. Kathy Simmons, Chief Veterinarian, on staff with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, explain... More
Life of a Farm Family

Life of a Farm Family

What’s it like to grow up on a broiler breeder poultry farm? Actually, what IS a broiler breeder poultry farm? Watch this video to learn what it’s like to grow up and work on this kind of Canadian poultry farm.... More
Was Dad Right Or Was I??

Was Dad Right Or Was I??

Was Dad Right Or Was I?? | | SaskDutch Kid... More
On the Farm - Shearing Sheep

On the Farm - Shearing Sheep

Spring is in the air. We are preparing for the lambing season on the farm. This video is all about how we shear the sheep before lambing. Having the sheep sheared before they lamb out has decreased the mortality rate of the lambs. (more lambs survive)... More
How-To: Body Condition Scoring Cattle

How-To: Body Condition Scoring Cattle

Guidelines and examples explaining how to properly body condition score your cattle to improve the accuracy of your genetic evaluation.... More
Killer cats, 358 new Holland mix mill & destructive pigs.

Killer cats, 358 new Holland mix mill & destructive pigs.

Killer cats, 358 new Holland mix mill & destructive pigs. | | Millionaire Farmer... More
Preserving Grasslands for Cattle and Wildlife in Nebraska

Preserving Grasslands for Cattle and Wildlife in Nebraska

Farmers and ranchers work every day to protect grasslands from woody plant encroachment. We head to Nebraska to learn about some of the partnerships and the strategies in place that are making a difference on the land.... More
The cows got a new house!!

The cows got a new house!!

The cows got a new house!! || South Sask Farmer... More
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