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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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#36 - The effects of copper and ionophores on finishing pig performance - AJ Warner

#36 - The effects of copper and ionophores on finishing pig performance - AJ Warner

Increasing pig growth performance is a topic that I am sure you are all familiar with. It has direct economically applicable results and can increase the health of the herd at the same time. In this episode, I talk with AJ Warner about a study he performed feeding Tri-basic copper chloride in co... More
Fall Update!

Fall Update!

Fall Update! || SaskDutch Kid... More
Upgraded Facility to Improve Research Done by USDA

Upgraded Facility to Improve Research Done by USDA

Exciting times as USDA held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the grand opening of its biosafety, level three poultry research facility in Athens. It's an upgraded facility that will expand the laboratory staff's capabilities, while also bringing together some of the top researchers in the country.... More
Cattle Mollasses for the 2022 feeding season. It’s not what you’re adding it’s what you’re replacing

Cattle Mollasses for the 2022 feeding season. It’s not what you’re adding it’s what you’re replacing

Check out our giveaway video to see how to be entered into the draw, Mollases is a great way to supplement your cattle, having the required vitamin and mineral package, It allows you to cut out or cut back on other supplement you may be using. And also bridges the gap from lower quality forage... More
Understanding how a Pig thinks

Understanding how a Pig thinks

Throughout his career, Jason McAlister has implemented and improved animal welfare programs for small and medium-sized businesses. Here, he discusses animal welfare from the perspective of a pig, because a different view can sometimes help us see things we wouldn’t otherwise.... More
Cattle Producer Pleads Guilty to Two Counts of Murder

Cattle Producer Pleads Guilty to Two Counts of Murder

Garland “Joey” Nelson, a Missouri feedlot operator accused of killing two Wisconsin brothers, entered guilty pleas in the past week to two counts of first-degree murder.... More
Agriculture in the Classroom NL

Agriculture in the Classroom NL's Rogers TV Episode #1

Thank you to Rogers TV for involving us in this amazing project! This is the first episode in the series and focuses on what AITC-NL does, Technology in Agriculture, Women in Agriculture and Careers in Agriculture. ENJOY!... More

Sheep Farming: Another Day On The Farm!

Sheep Farming: Another Day On The Farm!

At Ewetopia Farms, it is another day on the farm. In other words, we go through our daily routines of feeding the sheep. And feeding time when lambs are around, also means lamb races! While watching the lambs play, we decided that they need more bedding in their pen. We cracked open our first ... More
Finances Behind Raising Holstein Steers

Finances Behind Raising Holstein Steers

Finances Behind Raising Holstein Steers || SaskDutch Kid... More
Latest update on #BoveeFire, Sustainable Beef, LLC breaks ground

Latest update on #BoveeFire, Sustainable Beef, LLC breaks ground

It has been a notable week in terms of agriculture news. To catch up on all the latest, we turn to Alex Voicoskie.... More
Cattle Producers Face Two Major Headwinds In Southern Plains

Cattle Producers Face Two Major Headwinds In Southern Plains

The drought and economy have provided two major forces impacting the size and scope of operations in Oklahoma.... More
Sheep Farming: Training Bottle Lambs

Sheep Farming: Training Bottle Lambs

at Ewetopia Farms, we decide that it is time to stop feeding the bottle lambs by hand and start training them to drink their bottles from a holder. You would think this would be a seamless transition but the babies love to be handled while taking a bottle so there is some training involved. W... More
Vet Scripts - Avian Influenza

Vet Scripts - Avian Influenza

( Oct. 8, 2022) Barry Whitworth, OSU Extension veterinarian, says avian influenza could become an issue again as waterfowl migrate south.... More
Dr. Derald Holtkamp: Biosecurity and outbreak control: improvements and standards

Dr. Derald Holtkamp: Biosecurity and outbreak control: improvements and standards

No ‘silver bullet’ can ever hope to solve the complex issue of biosecurity. That’s because it requires cooperation among everyone involved, as well as lots of time and patience to make it as effective as possible. In this episode, I talk to Dr. Derald Holtkamp about his experiences in mitigating... More
Pelleting and the Maillard reaction - Should you add ingredients with reducing sugars?

Pelleting and the Maillard reaction - Should you add ingredients with reducing sugars?

Pelleting swine feed increases its temperature, which has made people worry about causing the Maillard reaction and thus, making the amino acids less digestible. Several studies in the past have evaluated the pelleting process and shown that this reaction is not likely to occur, but what if more... More
 Where are we on creating a vaccine for Strep suis? - Dr. Jessica Santos Streauslin

Where are we on creating a vaccine for Strep suis? - Dr. Jessica Santos Streauslin

Streptococcus suis is present in almost all pigs and is considered endemic in all countries with an extensive swine industry. However, not all forms of Streptococcus suis in pigs are inherently pathogenic. In today’s episode with Dr. Jessica Santos-Streauslin, we talk about her work studying Str... More
Dr. Phillip Miller: What can this ingredient database and modeling software do for you?

Dr. Phillip Miller: What can this ingredient database and modeling software do for you?

For years we have used ingredient databases such as the NRC to estimate nutrient levels for formulating diets for our pigs, but what if I told you that there is another database out there with recently updated values that also has some modeling capabilities? In this episode with Dr. Phillip Mill... More
I Got Stuck in the Mud!!!!

I Got Stuck in the Mud!!!!

I got Stuck in the Mud! Riding Lawnmower Fix!Honda Quad doesn't have power to pull chicken coop!... More
Sheep Farming: Ewes Rejecting Lambs!

Sheep Farming: Ewes Rejecting Lambs!

At Ewetopia Farms, we prepared a bunch more ewes and lambs to leave the lambing jugs and head into the group pens. After tagging and marking lambs, one ewe reacted negatively to the process and started to reject her lamb. I had never experienced this before so spent the day trying to get her to... More
Raising Bottle Calves!

Raising Bottle Calves!

These calves were released to pasture two weeks after this video was taken, once we were aware that they were without diseases.... More
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