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Beef Cattle Videos

Watch educational videos on beef cattle from beef farmers and other cattle experts. Learn about beef cattle buying, handling, feed, corral setups, animal behavior, genetics, and other topics. Also see videos about general beef industry news.
Cow-Calf Corner - Water Needs

Cow-Calf Corner - Water Needs

Glenn Selk has an estimate for water needs for cattle.... More
She’s Got it All

She’s Got it All

Dan Loy, Iowa State University researcher, talks about the relationship between fertility and marbling and why cattlemen can have both in their dams and sires.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel explains why meat prices will eventually return to normal.... More
Cattle & Mineral Supplements

Cattle & Mineral Supplements

We visit the north range to talk with Dave Lalman about the importance of mineral supplements.... More
NCBA Celebrates Implementation of Trade Deal

NCBA Celebrates Implementation of Trade Deal

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is celebrating the successful implementation of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).... More
COVID 19 Forces New Marketing: Ranch to Table

COVID 19 Forces New Marketing: Ranch to Table

Saint Maries—Idaho ranchers are moving cattle, in the time of COVID-19, the industry is rapidly changing.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - The Benefits of Selling Groups of Calves

Cow-Calf Corner - The Benefits of Selling Groups of Calves

Glenn Selk has details on how selling calves in larger groups can prove financially beneficial.... More

Genetic Demand Starts With Consumer

Genetic Demand Starts With Consumer

Art and Stacy Butler, Spring Cove Ranch in Bliss, Idaho, include high-quality carcass traits in their seedstock so that their commercial customers may earn a premium.... More
Beef, Cattle Markets Adjust

Beef, Cattle Markets Adjust

Derrell Peel, Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist, Oklahoma State University, discusses how the beef cattle market adjusts to sudden and gradual changes.... More
Angus Cattle Breeders Respond to COVID-19 and Market Disruptions with a Legacy of Resilience

Angus Cattle Breeders Respond to COVID-19 and Market Disruptions with a Legacy of Resilience

Tough times aren’t new, but 2020 sure brought us new versions of that old storyline. Yet traits like tenacity and resilience are bred into us, a part of our heritage. We come from a long line of tough cattlemen and women and hear their wisdom in everyday decisions. It gives momentum and hope.... More
Spot Market Quotas Proposed for Beef Packers

Spot Market Quotas Proposed for Beef Packers

The U.S. Senate has proposed a rule requiring beef packers to purchase half of the cattle they slaughter on the spot market.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says meat prices are trending lower as the we enter the summer grilling season.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Time for Pregnancy Checks

Cow-Calf Corner - Time for Pregnancy Checks

Glenn Selk talks about the potential benefits of pregnancy checking cattle.... More
Leasing Ranch Equipment

Leasing Ranch Equipment

Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Educator Aaron Berger offers a plan when deciding whether to own or lease ranching equipment.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel talks about international trade and how it has changed since March.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson has revised his strategy of marketing wheat at a third, a third, and a third.... More
Bunk Management and Feed Delivery

Bunk Management and Feed Delivery

When it comes to nutritional management of growing and finishing cattle, the scientific aspects tend to get the most attention.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Pinkeye

Cow-Calf Corner - Pinkeye

Then, in Cow-Calf Corner, Glenn Selk talks about factors that lead to pinkeye in cattle.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Naomi Blohm

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Naomi Blohm

Small meat processors look to stretch their business across state lines. An old crop gets new life in a crowded market. Market analysis with Naomi Blohm.... More
Reimagining Liver Health In Beef Cattle

Reimagining Liver Health In Beef Cattle

Scott Laudert, beef industry consultant, and Glen Dolezal, vice president for Cargill Protein, talk about liver abscess disease and how the beef community is working to keep making improvements.... More
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