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Weaning Pigs & Prepping for Corn Planting

Weaning Pigs & Prepping for Corn Planting

We weaned 1360 pigs and worked on getting equipment ready for planting corn.... More
The Interactions Between Pig Birth Weight And Phenotype, With Jennifer Patterson

The Interactions Between Pig Birth Weight And Phenotype, With Jennifer Patterson

Having worked with genetics for a long time, Jennifer brings the discussion addresses this hot topic in pig production: the relationship between birth weight and phenotype. As she says, it’s critical to look at the efficiency of good gilt development to pay attention to birth weights and identif... More
Hog Barn Fixing

Hog Barn Fixing

Hog Barn Fixing: In this one the boys do some hog barn fixing on one of the feedlines out under the bin. The pigs are hungry and there’s only one thing that’ll get it going… a new anchor bearing!... More
Targeting specific digestion kinetics to optimize nursery pig performance and health

Targeting specific digestion kinetics to optimize nursery pig performance and health

Zinc oxide is a wonderful tool for nursery pigs. However, there have been concerns about the environmental impact ZnO can have. Several research studies have been performed to identify potential alternatives to ZnO that are more environmentally friendly.... More
What does this new PRRSV classification tool provide for swine producers and veterinarians?

What does this new PRRSV classification tool provide for swine producers and veterinarians?

Disease classification is a very important aspect for both swine producers and veterinarians. It helps provide a roadmap for how to manage viruses within herds, and PRRSV has been a major problem for the swine industry for many years.... More
Chris Bomgaars: Integration and execution - advancing technology in the swine industry

Chris Bomgaars: Integration and execution - advancing technology in the swine industry

The swine industry is in need of applied & novel technologies to save money for both producers and consumers. In this episode, we have the pleasure of speaking with Chris Bomgaars about different ways we can begin to implement technology into the barns and ways we can use it to get the most out ... More
What technologies are available for swine professionals? With Aidan Connolly

What technologies are available for swine professionals? With Aidan Connolly

Aidan Connolly is the Founder and President of Agritech Capital, a resource for new and established companies working at the interface of agriculture and technology. With tremendous experience in applied technology in pig production, Aidan highlights the main tools available to help us with our ... More

Sorting Pigs On An Iowa Family Hog Farm

Sorting Pigs On An Iowa Family Hog Farm

Sorting Pigs On An Iowa Family Hog Farm: In this one the boys sort and thin out all the pigs left over after overstocks went out to make sure all the pigs are even with space.... More
Feeding Piglets, Moving Manure & The Renovations Continue

Feeding Piglets, Moving Manure & The Renovations Continue

Morning chores on a slow day, moving manure home from another barn and the sow barn renovation continues.... More
Can essential fatty acid supplementation during lactation increase piglet average daily gain?

Can essential fatty acid supplementation during lactation increase piglet average daily gain?

During lactation the sow prioritizes her litter and will mobilize nutrients from her own body to adequately provide nutrients to her litter if she doesn't receive the proper amount of nutrients in her diet. That is why it is critical for nutritionists to formulate a diet to minimize weight loss ... More
Using cameras in pig farms: are we doing it right? With Aidan Connolly

Using cameras in pig farms: are we doing it right? With Aidan Connolly

We can get a lot of information by observing the pigs. Now, we are moving forward and bringing cameras and automated systems to evaluate animal performance. Aidan Connolly is an expert on assessing and working with new technologies, and he shares his thoughts on what direction we are going on ou... More
How Black Pig Farming Swine Processing Meat, Open Range Black Pig Modern Agriculture

How Black Pig Farming Swine Processing Meat, Open Range Black Pig Modern Agriculture

Domestic Black Pig open called swine, hogs are omnivores and primarily raised for meat as well as for leather.... More
Feeding The World One Pig At A Time

Feeding The World One Pig At A Time

Feeding The World One Pig At A Time: In this one the boys start off by sorting two loads of fully grown pigs. Then it’s on to loading out those loads to go to market.... More
Nutritional strategies to feed pigs during the summer, with Dr. Qingyun Li

Nutritional strategies to feed pigs during the summer, with Dr. Qingyun Li

Dr. Li is a Swine Nutritionist for Cargill, where she focuses on nutrition consulting and economic modeling, as well as other responsibilities. She discusses her thoughts and research updates on feeding pigs with xylanase during the summer to optimize growth performance and health.... More
High oil vs. conventional corn: Which energy source is more economical for pigs? - Dr Espinosa

High oil vs. conventional corn: Which energy source is more economical for pigs? - Dr Espinosa

When it comes to identifying alternative feed ingredients there are many factors to consider beyond the base price. What is its nutritional value? How will it impact inclusion levels of other ingredients? Could it cause logistical complications? In this episode, I talk with Dr. Charmaine Espinos... More
Adding lysine to pigs’ summer diets, with Dr. Qingyun Li

Adding lysine to pigs’ summer diets, with Dr. Qingyun Li

Adding lysine to pigs’ summer diets, with Dr. Qingyun Li | Swine Campus | Swine it... More
How can swine producers improve profits by considering summer strategies? - Dr. Matt Ritter

How can swine producers improve profits by considering summer strategies? - Dr. Matt Ritter

How can swine producers improve profits by considering summer strategies? - Dr. Matt Ritter | Swine Campus | Swine it... More
COVID Discovery in Pig Cells Could Lead to Human Treatments

COVID Discovery in Pig Cells Could Lead to Human Treatments

Recent revelations in China have health authorities circling back to a large live animal food market in Wuhan as the genesis of the coronavirus pandemic.... More
Hog Market - Dr. Lee Schulz

Hog Market - Dr. Lee Schulz

We are focusing on the hog market this week. We were joined earlier this week by Iowa State University Livestock Marketing Specialist Dr. Lee Schulz. We discussed the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s March hogs and pigs report and how the market has been reacting.... More
Watson Swine Performance Investigator with French Subtitles

Watson Swine Performance Investigator with French Subtitles

Every decision that is made on a swine operation can have immediate, long term, or ripple effects. This is why it is so important for producers to be able to see the impacts of their decisions prior to making them. Trouw Nutrition’s exclusive swine model Watson is an industry leading production ... More
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