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Rural Lifestyle Videos

Watch videos on a variety of topics that complement the farming lifestyle. See country and folk music videos, sports news and stories, harvest footage, food videos, and anything else that goes with life on a farm.
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Composted Bedding Pack Barn

Composted Bedding Pack Barn

Compost bedding pack (CBP) barns are an interesting alternative to tie-stall or free-stall housing for milking cows. A CBP barn is similar to a loose-housing barn, except the pack is more actively managed to encourage composting and a comfortable area for the cattle to lie. In a CBP barn, the pa... More
Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc.

Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc.

Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc., of Guelph, Ontario, Canada is a contract research organization and consulting firm specializing in regulatory consulting, clinical trials and product testing.... More
Integrated Pest Management in Canola with Jake Leguee

Integrated Pest Management in Canola with Jake Leguee

Jake Leguee is a large-scale farmer in Saskatchewan, Canada, farming 13,000 acres of land. Managing pests on a crop this size is a challenge, as is changing weather conditions. Find out how he uses Integrated Pest Management and sustainable farming practices to tackle these challenges.... More
Farm Fluencer Video Contest!

Farm Fluencer Video Contest!

Corteva Agriscience is teaming up with 4-H to invite youth to explore modern farming and discover how the industry is innovating for the future. Farmfluencer is a global video contest. Young people can make a video up to 2 minutes about the state of farming today and will be entered for a chance... More
How important is healthy soil?

How important is healthy soil?

TRC Connects - How important is healthy soil?... More
Reinforcing the pulldozer!!

Reinforcing the pulldozer!!

South sask farmer - Reinforcing the pulldozer!!... More
Managing farm financial risk: Capital investments

Managing farm financial risk: Capital investments

Choose your capital investments wisely. Make sure your capital investments in equipment and land are needed and have a potential return to the business. Remember, if you take out a loan to finance capital improvements, you will be making payments for several years and need to factor that int... More

Maizex Moving - Early Corn Crop Uniformity Evaluation

Maizex Moving - Early Corn Crop Uniformity Evaluation

Maizex territory manager, Laura Johnston, explains how to perform a early corn crop uniformity evaluation.... More
Serifel Fungicide: Managing plant diseases with biological fungicides

Serifel Fungicide: Managing plant diseases with biological fungicides

SerifelTM fungicide is an innovative fungicide with three modes of action that forms a shield of protection on plants' surfaces to protect against disease.... More
Managing farm financial risk: Cash flow

Managing farm financial risk: Cash flow

Know your cash flow. Regularly assess your cash flow needs and note the time with the largest shortfall and surplus amounts. It’s likely a better option to use excess cash revenues from the farm operation to pay down short-term farm operating debt, rather than to make extra payments on term loa... More
Mathieu Messier

Mathieu Messier's Farmer Story with Climate FieldView

Climate FieldView Canada - Mathieu Messier's Farmer Story with Climate FieldView... More
Enrol in Agristability by April 30

Enrol in Agristability by April 30

Start this season off on the right foot. Go into this season with reliable risk protection - with AgriStability. The deadline to enrol in AgriStability is April 30, 2019.... More
Flexi coil seeder prep continues!

Flexi coil seeder prep continues!

South sask farmer - Flexi coil seeder prep continues!... More
Spreading Manure in central Alberta

Spreading Manure in central Alberta

Old footage from last year of a local customer farmer spreading manure close to home.... More
Ideal Plant Population

Ideal Plant Population

Your top-performing canola hybrids get even stronger when planted at an ideal plant population. By correlating canola populations to crop performance, the InVigor® Product Excellence Team has developed a targeted plant population in InVigor canola hybrids.... More
A Retrospective Assessment of U.S. Pork Production: 1960 to 2015

A Retrospective Assessment of U.S. Pork Production: 1960 to 2015

Today's pig farmers embrace environmental sustainability like never before. Learn how much we have reduced energy, water and land usage in #RealPigFarming.... More
Worker Well-being

Worker Well-being

Workers’ well-being relates to all aspects that influence recruitment and retention through attractive working conditions. Providing competitive working conditions, maintaining fair labour relations, and ensuring a safe working environment are key factors to a farm’s success and the overall heal... More
Speaker Spotlight: Bobbi Helgason

Speaker Spotlight: Bobbi Helgason

At the Summit, Dr. Bobbi Helgason shared how different cropping system management practices affect soil and plant microbiomes. In the video, she talks about long-term soil health and several practices that promote sustainability.... More

Canada's New Fuel Surcharge

A new federal fuel surcharge came into effect on April 1, 2019. Fuel purchases that will be eligible for exemption must be delivered and stored on the farm. Fuel must be used exclusively on the farm in eligible farm machinery. That means anything used for farming including farm trucks, tractors,... More
Economy operating at capacity behind Bank of Canada rate hike

Economy operating at capacity behind Bank of Canada rate hike

J.P. Gervais on the economic trends and future BOC decisions he sees in relation to the October interest rate hike.... More
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