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Getting the air seeder ready!

Getting the air seeder ready!

South sask farmer - Getting the air seeder ready!... More
#FieldViewReady - Field Boundaries

#FieldViewReady - Field Boundaries

Climate FieldView Canada - Field Boundaries... More
#FieldViewReady - Creating Field Plans

#FieldViewReady - Creating Field Plans

Climate FieldView Canada - Creating Field Plans... More
OttawaCOIN begins

OttawaCOIN begins

Ottawa's Centre for Open Innovation and Networking. The initial steps that have become the OttawaCOIN concept. Here is a high level overview of what is in front of us, and what we can achieve.... More
NCC Greenbelt Research Farm Flyover

NCC Greenbelt Research Farm Flyover

A flyover of the NCC Greenbelt Research Farm. This video shows the size of the property, and provides a look are the facilities and infrastructure that are located there.... More
The Proof is In The Bin with InVigor Hybrid Canola

The Proof is In The Bin with InVigor Hybrid Canola

Find out why growers trust InVigor hybrid canola on more acres than any other hybrid canola in Canada. Visit to view localized trial results and compare the performance of InVigor hybrids against the competition.... More
Managing farm financial risk: Marketing plan

Managing farm financial risk: Marketing plan

Manage your marketing plan. Fine-tune your farm’s marketing plan, based on the cost of production. Pay attention to payments from year-to-year, and how that may affect the cash flow for the business. Take time to analyze the best insurance strategies for your operation. Also, look for pr... More

Advanced Farm Management Program

Advanced Farm Management Program

Advanced Farm Management Program 2018-2019... More
Out Farm The Field with InVigor Hybrid Canola

Out Farm The Field with InVigor Hybrid Canola

For over 22 years you’ve trusted InVigor® hybrid canola to consistently deliver top performing yields and innovative solutions for you farm, and the 2019 season is no different. Expect to see InVigor solutions that can help you face the wide range of growing conditions and challenges you experie... More
A quick look at a 315 versatile and a pottinger planter!

A quick look at a 315 versatile and a pottinger planter!

South sask farmer - A quick look at a 315 versatile and a pottinger planter!... More
Three numbers to monitor in the monthly food manufacturing survey

Three numbers to monitor in the monthly food manufacturing survey

J.P. Gervais shares why sales, inventory levels and capacity utilization numbers are important to Canadian food manufacturing.... More
Pioneer Seeds White Mold in Soybeans

Pioneer Seeds White Mold in Soybeans

Pioneer BH Area Intern Cole Berkley and Pioneer Territory Manager Matt Wilson discuss what to look for when scouting for white mold in soybeans and tips for controlling white mold.... More
Planting a Plot

Planting a Plot

Join Kirk Van Will as he explains how an agronomy plot is planted.... More

OEB's Rate Hearing Process

Hearings allow us to consider how well the utility’s interests fit with your interests – the very people who are affected by our decisions. Our goal in this process is to align consumers’ needs for good value in the form of reasonable prices, good reliability and quality service with the interes... More
Maizex Moving - Planter Preparation

Maizex Moving - Planter Preparation

Maizex Agronomist Greg Stewart discussed proper tail-stock alignment and seed planting depth on this edition of Maizex Moving.... More
Sustainability with New Fashion Pork

Sustainability with New Fashion Pork

At New Fashion Pork, good isn't good enough. They are focused on sustainability on their farm. The team tests and researches best practices to make sure they are continuously improving for their animals and their communities.... More
Installing the new booms and GPS auto steer in the sprayer!!

Installing the new booms and GPS auto steer in the sprayer!!

South sask farmer - Installing the new booms and GPS auto steer in the sprayer!!... More
Digging into Ontario’s farm property tax system

Digging into Ontario’s farm property tax system

Ontario farmers are paying a disproportionate amount of property tax compared to the services they use. OFA has been meeting with municipalities across Ontario to encourage them to correct the unfair tax burden on Ontario farmers.... More
New Seed Starting soil Stepwell Soil

New Seed Starting soil Stepwell Soil

New Seed Starting soil Stepwell Soil Seed starting and growing medium Stepwell soil out of Toronto.... More
Delivered Alfalfa to a brand new Dairy operation

Delivered Alfalfa to a brand new Dairy operation

The Farming Life Delivered Alfalfa to a brand new Dairy operation... More
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