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Feeder Cattle Enterprise

Feeder Cattle Enterprise

Entering the background data on estimating head days, pen or lot descriptions and associated direct costs including feed use.... More
Showcasing the 2020 LS Tractor MT225S

Showcasing the 2020 LS Tractor MT225S

Jake Sherman, Product Manager at LS Tractor, introduces the new MT225S premium compact tractor. The tractor features a 3-range, dual pedal hydrostat transmission, 60” drive-over deck, backhoe attachment (optional), loader with quick-attach and reversible seat. LS Tractor puts a focus on operator... More
Michigan Floods as Heavy Rains Disrupt Spring Planting Season

Michigan Floods as Heavy Rains Disrupt Spring Planting Season

This week, heavy rains pumped the brakes on a robust spring planting run. USDA reported 80 percent of the corn crop among the nation’s 18 top producing states had been sown before record floodwaters sliced through the Wolverine State, prompting Michigan’s Governor to declare a state of emergenc... More
Succeeding With Grain Sorghum: Burndown and Herbicide Programs

Succeeding With Grain Sorghum: Burndown and Herbicide Programs

Establishing a solid burndown program ahead of grain sorghum planting is important for a successful crop this season.... More
Hired Hand Got The Feed Wagon Stuck

Hired Hand Got The Feed Wagon Stuck

SaskDutch Kid - Hired Hand Got The Feed Wagon Stuck... More
Land Enterprise

Land Enterprise

Entering grain and oilseed, forage, pasture and grazing information, including production, market value and expenses associated with seed, fertilizer, chemical, and fuel into AgriProfit$.... More
May WASDE Report - COVID-19 Economic update for the agri-food industry

May WASDE Report - COVID-19 Economic update for the agri-food industry

Some initial thoughts on the US corn balance sheet following today's WASDE report. FCC's VP & Chief Ag Economist J.P. Gervais provides an update.... More

Protect Wheat Yield with the Power of Fungicide

Protect Wheat Yield with the Power of Fungicide

Why apply fungicide on wheat? FBN Senior Staff Agronomist Holly Thrasher answers this question and more, providing application tips for your growing wheat crop to improve plant health and stability.... More
Thank You to The Farm Workers – The Fresh Food Heroes

Thank You to The Farm Workers – The Fresh Food Heroes

During difficult times, we all gain a greater appreciation for the heroes serving our communities and keeping people safe. But no one can keep serving without being served. Farm workers deserve our thanks because, in the midst of uncertainty, they’re ensuring our food system remains strong. Than... More
Labour Crop Inventory

Labour Crop Inventory

Entering the labour information including paid and unpaid labour and allocation among enterprises, as well as crop inventory information like opening and closing inventories, production, sales and use in feed rations.... More
Bourgault Drill Seeding in Saskatchewan

Bourgault Drill Seeding in Saskatchewan

Auger Agriculture has been pushing the boundaries of high-quality agricultural content for over five years on social networks, by showcasing quality photos and viral videos of small family farms to large scale operations. Our purpose is to both entertain and educate consumers and producers, by ... More
Spring Planting Begins

Spring Planting Begins

One of the first days of spring wheat seeding in the Red River Valley of Manitoba, Canada. There were a few raindrops falling while taking the videos and so a shut-down happened not long after... More
Semis Aren

Semis Aren't Great In The Mud

SaskDutch Kid - Semis Aren't Great In The Mud... More
Revenue and Expenses

Revenue and Expenses

Enter revenue and expenses, assets and liability information into AgriProfit$.... More
A Lot Simpler With Smoke

A Lot Simpler With Smoke

A Lot Simpler With Smoke | a Canadian Beekeper's Blog... More
Seeding Intentions 2020 - COVID-19 update for the agri-food industry

Seeding Intentions 2020 - COVID-19 update for the agri-food industry

Some initial thoughts on 2020 seeding intentions released today by @StatCan_eng. Reliability is a fair question given the COVID-19 circumstances. FCC's VP & Chief Ag Economist J.P. Gervais provides an update.... More
Seeding Spring Wheat

Seeding Spring Wheat

Peter Agriconguy - Seeding Spring Wheat... More
Saskatchewan Spring Harvest

Saskatchewan Spring Harvest

The One Saskatchewan Farm Boy - Saskatchewan Spring Harvest... More
Cleaning up Corrals and Unloading Trucks

Cleaning up Corrals and Unloading Trucks

SaskDutch Kid - Cleaning up Corrals and Unloading Trucks... More
Ryder Lee on Saskatchewan Afternoon with David Kirton

Ryder Lee on Saskatchewan Afternoon with David Kirton

Hear Ryder answer questions about the recent fund announcement from the Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister regarding the set aside and price insurance.... More
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