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Rural Lifestyle Videos

Watch videos on a variety of topics that complement the farming lifestyle. See country and folk music videos, sports news and stories, harvest footage, food videos, and anything else that goes with life on a farm.
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Chicken Farmers of Canada: Here For Your Family

Chicken Farmers of Canada: Here For Your Family

Day in and day out, farmers ensure your family is fed with safe, nutritious, high-quality chicken. We do this while maintaining the health and safety of processing plant and farm workers, farmers, and the birds in our care.... More
Rolling Pulses

Rolling Pulses

Peas and lentils are rolled to help with harvest later in the growing season. Learn more about recommendations for when to roll each pulse crop. Rolling lentils helps with harvestability. Lentils can be rolled after emergence up to the fifth true leaf stage or seventh node stage. Avoid rollin... More
Two Row: From Great Barley to Great Beer | Bayer Canada

Two Row: From Great Barley to Great Beer | Bayer Canada

From the products in the field to the craft on the brewery floor, Two Row is all about what goes into growing good barley and making good beer. Join brewmaster Tavis Agnew (Freehold Brewing), barley grower Spencer Hilton (Hilton Ventures) and maltster Kyle Geeraert (Origin Brewing and Malting) a... More
Corteva Flight Stand Count Demonstration

Corteva Flight Stand Count Demonstration

Corteva Flight, along with a UAV, will help you perform stand assessments for a variety of crops, gap analysis for soybeans, and general field scouting. In this video, Pioneer Field Agronomist Paul Yoder shows you how to take stand counts using the Corteva Flight software in conjunction with a d... More
New Floor Mats for the Parlour

New Floor Mats for the Parlour

SaskDutch Kid - New Floor Mats for the Parlour... More
Planting a Whole Soybean Field

Planting a Whole Soybean Field

Peter Agriconguy - Planting a Whole Soybean Field... More
Planting 835

Planting 835's and a sneak peak at the new addition

South Sask Farmer - Planting 835's and a sneak peak at the new addition... More

Don’t Fall For These Herbicide Myths for Conventional Corn

Don’t Fall For These Herbicide Myths for Conventional Corn

When it comes to growing conventional corn, there are a lot of misconceptions around what herbicides can be used. Join FBN Agronomist Holly Thrasher and FBN Seed District Sales Manager Dan Mattison as they discuss what it takes to control weeds in conventional corn.... More
Seeding Wheat And Hauling Black Dirt

Seeding Wheat And Hauling Black Dirt

Northern farmer - Seeded the wheat and filled in a wash out with some nice black dirt... More
Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 3: Fireside Chat with Senator Diane Griffin

Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 3: Fireside Chat with Senator Diane Griffin

In episode 3, Erin chats with Senator Diane Griffin, the chair of the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. They discuss Sen. Griffin’s Bill S-215 and the carbon tax, reflect on the role of the Senate in today’s political landscape, and look back at the Senator's career of prese... More


Duck Foot Parts Inc - Lentils... More
SCIC Online Video - WLPIP - Calf Price Insurance

SCIC Online Video - WLPIP - Calf Price Insurance

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation - Where can I learn more about WLPIP Calf Price Insurance? Glad You Asked. Hear directly from SCIC’s WLPIP Coordinator in this online video. Jodie will explain how Calf Price Insurance works, share what’s new for 2020 and discuss helpful tips.... More
DOT AUTONOMOUS PLATFORM. Spraying with herbicides.

DOT AUTONOMOUS PLATFORM. Spraying with herbicides.

Soil Compaction Maps. MY AGRO. - DOT AUTONOMOUS PLATFORM. Spraying with herbicides. Olds College, Alberta, CANADA.... More
Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 2: Fireside Chat with John Barlow

Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 2: Fireside Chat with John Barlow

In episode 2, Grain Growers of Canada executive director Erin Gowriluk talks with John Barlow, the Shadow Minister for Agriculture & Agri-Food for the Conservative Party of Canada. They discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the agri-food supply chain, the federal government’s relief package, and opp... More
Milking Cows In Our Old Parlour

Milking Cows In Our Old Parlour

SaskDutch Kid - Found some clips from the old parlour! It was a double 6 herring bone... More
Rural Murals Are Popping Up Across Small Communities

Rural Murals Are Popping Up Across Small Communities

If a Picture, or in this Case a Painting is Worth a Thousand Words, Then Ther's no Pronunciation needed.... More
Corn Emergence Struggles: Cold Weather Injury

Corn Emergence Struggles: Cold Weather Injury

In this video, Pioneer Field Agronomist Paul Yoder shares his observations as he has scouted fields of corn that have struggled to emerge and grow. He gives you an up close look at plants that have not emerged or even started the growing process at all. He reviews growing conditions and determin... More
MAJOR sprayer break down and a new purchase

MAJOR sprayer break down and a new purchase

South Sask Farmer - MAJOR sprayer break down and a new purchase... More
Salford RTS in Action on Corn Stalks

Salford RTS in Action on Corn Stalks

In attempts to minimize tillage, the RTS is designed to chop up the residue, prepare a superior seed bed, and help release excess moisture in the ground to help warm the seedbed for optimal planting conditions. Here you will see it utilized on corn stalks... More
Discing, Tunnel Ventilation, Liquid Manure

Discing, Tunnel Ventilation, Liquid Manure

SaskDutch Kid - Discing, Tunnel Ventilation, Liquid Manure... More
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