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Crop Struggling to Reach Key Nutrients? Starter Fertilizer Can Be A Boost

Crop Struggling to Reach Key Nutrients? Starter Fertilizer Can Be A Boost

FBN Senior Staff Agronomist Holly Thrasher explains why starter fertilizer might provide a prime opportunity for your crop to reach key nutrients early in the season, especially for no till or high residue systems.... More
Feeding a Calf Her First Colostrum

Feeding a Calf Her First Colostrum

SaskDutch Kid - Feeding a Calf Her First Colostrum... More
Clavet Crush Unload Virtual Tour

Clavet Crush Unload Virtual Tour

Cargill Ag Canada - Clavet Crush Unload Virtual Tour... More
John Deere 8400 R - Moro Dragon 6 - Plowing field

John Deere 8400 R - Moro Dragon 6 - Plowing field

John Deere 8400 R - Moro Dragon 6 - Plowing field... More
Brand New Feed Mixer!!

Brand New Feed Mixer!!

We traded in our old feed mixer for a brand new one!... More
Supporting Saskatchewan Beekeepers

Supporting Saskatchewan Beekeepers

When beekeepers experienced a huge loss in 2018, we were there to help. Successful programs like this come from working side by side with the Saskatchewan Beekeepers Association to understand the real challenges our producers face.... More
Tool Tuesday! You

Tool Tuesday! You've never seen a zero turn like this!

Tool Tuesday! You've never seen a zero turn like this! Today on the farm vlog we'll have some fun with a Zero turn mower that's a little different. Hope ya'll enjoy this Tool Tuesday review!... More

How to identify and control Ground Ivy

How to identify and control Ground Ivy

Key tips for how to identify and control ground ivy.... More
Odd Jobs Around the Dairy

Odd Jobs Around the Dairy

Some odd jobs around the farm. We scrape some crap out of the corals, bed some beds, and move some sand!... More


South Sask Farmer - SO MANY HAY BALES!!... More
Navigating FBN Seed Finder

Navigating FBN Seed Finder

Once you upload your seed tags and seed invoices, you'll have access to FBN Seed Finder which you can use to identify other seed you're considering buying and ensure you're getting fair prices and genetic diversity.... More
Start Clean, Stay Clean: What Does That Mean? Burndown For Weed Control

Start Clean, Stay Clean: What Does That Mean? Burndown For Weed Control

In this video, FBN Senior Staff Agronomist Wade Givens provides some context around what "start clean, stay clean" means when it comes to burndown before planting. Can burndown really set the stage for successful weed control?... More
Dairy Farming at 30 Below

Dairy Farming at 30 Below

SaskDutch Kid - Just another day on the farm... More
Hauling flax straw with the 4020 and 5020 John Deeres! The best tractors money can buy! Not a 1086.

Hauling flax straw with the 4020 and 5020 John Deeres! The best tractors money can buy! Not a 1086.

South Sask Farmer - Hauling flax straw with the 4020 and 5020 John Deeres! The best tractors money can buy! Not a 1086.... More
Tips for Buying a New Tractor: Cattlemen to Cattlemen Episode

Tips for Buying a New Tractor: Cattlemen to Cattlemen Episode

With all the choices out there for tractors, what should you be talking to your dealership about? What questions to ask, and what questions may be asked of you to make sure you get the best unit for your needs.... More
Farm and Machinery Tour 2020 (Tractors, Quads, Machinery And Sheep)

Farm and Machinery Tour 2020 (Tractors, Quads, Machinery And Sheep)

Proudly sponsored By Tunstall Tractors! in today's video i take you road the farms machinery!... More
A Trip across Western Canada and some Pull Type Combines

A Trip across Western Canada and some Pull Type Combines

Video from last summer as I made a trip across Western Canada then down into Montana and Colorado. This video is mostly farm equipment pictures I took along the way as I talk about the trip in this video. Some of the pictures you see in this video may look familiar as I posted videos of some of ... More
AgriProfit$ Overview and Introduction

AgriProfit$ Overview and Introduction

An overview of the underlying data collection framework and the AgriProfit$ data requirements. Learn about the underlying cost-of-production methodology, required data and the built-in error checking utilities.... More
Setting the new clutchs on the 4320! And a walk round

Setting the new clutchs on the 4320! And a walk round

South Sask Farmer - Setting the new clutchs on the 4320! And a walk round... More
Another Wet Spring?! When Can I Apply Pre-Emergence Herbicides?

Another Wet Spring?! When Can I Apply Pre-Emergence Herbicides?

FBN Senior Staff Agronomist Wade Givens addresses some common concerns as a wet spring pushes back planting and delays the traditional window for pre-emergence herbicides.... More
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