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Rural Lifestyle Videos

Watch videos on a variety of topics that complement the farming lifestyle. See country and folk music videos, sports news and stories, harvest footage, food videos, and anything else that goes with life on a farm.
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Pesticide residues on food and the Dirty Dozen

Pesticide residues on food and the Dirty Dozen

Have you heard that there might be pesticide residues on your food or maybe you've heard about this list called the 'Dirty Dozen' that's making you think twice when you shop for fruits and vegetables?... More
What is an Ag Optimization® Specialist?

What is an Ag Optimization® Specialist?

RME's AOS is here to help you meet your precision farming goals and dedicated to all your custom needs.... More
Walkaround of Vermeer 50-series disc mowers at National Farm Machinery Show 2020

Walkaround of Vermeer 50-series disc mowers at National Farm Machinery Show 2020

Vermeer - Walkaround of Vermeer 50-series disc mowers at National Farm Machinery Show 2020... More
Forkner Farms Inc.

Forkner Farms Inc.

Forkner Farms Inc., in Richards, Missouri raises several breeds of antibiotic-free pigs with true genetic lines and the help of Alltech.... More
DuraCor herbicide | Dr. Nancy Jackson, DVM

DuraCor herbicide | Dr. Nancy Jackson, DVM

"Weeds are not palatable to the cows." Dr. Nancy Jackson, DVM,... More
FCC: Sixty Years Together

FCC: Sixty Years Together

A lot has changed in Canadian agriculture and food in the last sixty years. But the vision, passion and determination of those who feed the world hasn’t. It’s our privilege to help you realize your dreams, grow your operation and thrive at doing what you love. Thank you for letting us be a part... More
AG Tech Insight - What is RTK+?

AG Tech Insight - What is RTK+?

RME's series of educational videos known as the Ag Tech Insight. Here you will find the second set of installments to our new AOS driven video collection.... More

How to identify and control Crabgrass

How to identify and control Crabgrass

Key tips for how to identify and control crabgrass.... More
Cows Flooded The Barn!!

Cows Flooded The Barn!!

SaskDutch Kid - Cows Flooded The Barn!!... More
The Anatomy of the Kernel - Pioneer Agronomy

The Anatomy of the Kernel - Pioneer Agronomy

Pioneer Field Agronomist Matt Montgomery explores the anatomy of a corn kernel. Find out what we can learn from how kernels develop and grow.... More
Maizex Moving: Forced Uniformity Trials

Maizex Moving: Forced Uniformity Trials

Laura Johnston and Greg Stewart explain the Maizex forced uniformity trials happening throughout the province.... More
2020 Update: CSA, markets, COVID-19

2020 Update: CSA, markets, COVID-19

Tony checks in from Wheelbarrow Farm in Sunderland, Ontario. We have a plan in action and rest assured, we are committed to growing for you! To alleviate some of the food security and access issues we are facing, we are now offering extended Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) services for 202... More
National Grain Week Speakers Corner #4

National Grain Week Speakers Corner #4

Canadian grain farmers Brad Blackwell, Rodney Volk and William van Tassel (FR) on the issues that brought them to Ottawa during #NationalGrainWeek February 18-21, 2020.... More
We Will Milk Cows (We Will Rock You Parody)

We Will Milk Cows (We Will Rock You Parody)

Check out our parody of "We Will Rock You" by Queen called "We Will Milk Cows!" There is a lot of misinformation about dairy farms and we thought we'd make a video to help correct some of those myths!... More
Walkaround of 604R Signature baler by Vermeer at National Farm Machinery Show 2020

Walkaround of 604R Signature baler by Vermeer at National Farm Machinery Show 2020

Vermeer - Walkaround of 604R Signature baler by Vermeer at National Farm Machinery Show 2020... More
2019 - Dairy Farming in Canada

2019 - Dairy Farming in Canada

A year on our dairy farm in Saskatchewan, Canada. Even through a challenging year we strive to grow good quality feed for our cows. And provide an excellent environment for all of our cattle to thrive and stay healthy through the changing seasons.... More
Add your voice to Ontario Conservation Authorities consultations

Add your voice to Ontario Conservation Authorities consultations

Ontario is home to one of the most diverse natural landscapes and environments in the country. We’re fortunate to have an expanse of natural watercourses and wetlands that protect and sustain our ecosystems, provide wildlife habitat, manage floods and weather events, and so much more.... More
National Grain Week Speakers Corner - Video 2

National Grain Week Speakers Corner - Video 2

Hear grain farmers Dave Bishop, Gary Stanford, Dean Toews, talk grain transportation and carbon price and why it is important for farmers to come to Ottawa and advocate. #HarvestFromHell #NationalGrainWeek... More
Drying Grain And Watching Calves!!!!

Drying Grain And Watching Calves!!!!

Drying some grain and at the same time watching the cows calve!... More
How Do Farmers Stay Warm In The Winter?

How Do Farmers Stay Warm In The Winter?

Learn how we keep ourselves and our animals warm in the winter!... More
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