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Calling all cow-calf producers: find out how you stack up in the industry

Calling all cow-calf producers: find out how you stack up in the industry

The Western Canadian Cow-Calf Survey deadline is soon approaching

By Kate Ayers
Staff Writer

Producers can participate in the second edition of the Western Canadian Cow-Calf Survey until Feb. 28.

All cow-calf producers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are encouraged to complete the survey. The results will become available this summer.

The survey will help the Canadian beef industry gain a better understanding of what producers are doing on their operations, determine ways to improve production efficiency, and help guide research and extension, according to a Beef Cattle Research Council article yesterday.

In return, participants will receive a complimentary report that benchmarks their operations with others in the region, allowing cattle producers to see where their operations excel and where they have room for improvement.

Producers will also be eligible to receive up to $50 in gift cards for taking the survey.  

The survey takes about 45 to 60 minutes to complete. The survey questions focus on the 2016 breeding season through the 2017 calf weaning, and management practices, according to the article.

The questions are check-box style and respondents can leave sections blank. All the collected information remains confidential, as the results will be combined into averages and benchmarks.

The Beef Cattle Research, the Western Beef Development Centre, Canfax, the BC Cattlemen’s Association, Alberta Beef Producers, Saskatchewan’s Cattlemen’s Association, the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association, Manitoba Beef Producers, and the provincial ministries of agriculture in B.C. and Manitoba are collaborating on the study.

The online survey can be found here or a hard copy can be accessed here and mailed in.  

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