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Food and Farm Videos to Promote Healthy Food and Farming

Videos Aim to Capture Momentum of Local Food Act

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The second round of Growing Good Food Ideas videos is scheduled to be rolled out April 24th, 2013. The video series is being launched by Sustain Ontario, in collaboration with Powerline Films, along with a number of other organizations.

The timing of the video release couldn’t have been done at a more monumentous time - especially with the provincial government’s introduction of the Local Food Act. “We’re extremely proud of these videos and we hope that they inspire Premier Wynne and the legislature as the Local Food Act becomes a reality." says Karen Hutchinson, Co-Chair of Sustain Ontario’s Advisory Council. 

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food provided funding for the video project. More information about Sustain Ontario can be found at:

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Video: Taylor Farms Innovated with AI-Driven Weeding

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