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Ag In Motion Goes Digital This Week

Ag in Motion is going digital this year.
The new online event "Ag in Motion Discovery Plus" runs this week and producers have free access.
Show Director Rob O'Connor says COVID-19 has really slowed a lot of things down, but not agriculture.
"Farmers are growing great crops and raising great livestock in the Prairie provinces. To continue doing that, to continue being better at what they do, they need to understand the new technology, the new systems, the new services that are being provided to them.  We wanted to make sure there was still a way for those farmers and those companies to connect."
Ag in Motion Discovery Plus is a world of agriculture, technology, and information right at your fingertips.
'We are offering 240 different sessions between equipment demos and seminars.  You can watch things in the equipment demos like UTV rides, air seeder, and sprayer demonstrations, and take in a variety of information sessions."
The Knowledge Centre features a variety of seminars from digital technology, to grain markets, risk management, crop production, insects, and disease sessions to a look at the global weather conditions in 2020.
Livestock Central looks at all aspects of the industry from corn hybrids to putting up silage and rations to managing water quality. 
There are sessions for sheep producers, bison producers, dairy, and beef producers including sessions on the beef value chain, as well as a panel on building resiliency in the beef sector.
Farmers can register for free and then sign up for the sessions that interest them and fit into their schedule.
Click here to see more...

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