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Crop report shows rains slowing down Manitoba producer's seeding

The Manitoba crop report shows that Manitoba's seeding progress is slowing thanks to some recent rainfall.

The current report has the area sitting at 64 per cent complete, a jump from last week's 47 percent, though that's still behind the five-ear average of 75 per cent.

Dennis Lange, the author of Manitoba Agriculture's crop report, says that the province saw significant rainfall. 

"We did have some weather systems that moved through late last week on May 24th. That system brought some significant precipitation into the province, highest amounts were observed in the central region and Winkler ended up with about 87mm of rainfall over a 25 hour period. Other parts of the central, southwest, and northwest areas received precipitation as wet snow and the temperatures dropped as well."

Seeding progress also moved, with some crops getting close to completed in the province.

"If you look at cereals, for example, spring wheat is sitting at 87 per cent complete, barley at 79 per cent, and oats is sitting at 76 per cent," said Lange, "Grain corn is moved along as well, 80 per cent complete in most regions and when you look at some of the oil seeds, canola and sunflowers are both sitting at 41 per cent complete."

"The pulses and soybeans, field pea planting is sitting at 96 per cent soybeans sitting at 55 per cent and dry beans is sitting at 24 per cent and they're one of the later season crops that we plant." 

Pastures have fared well with the rain, with producers seeing a bit more green.

"They're looking all right, that rainfall has stimulated some, some growth, and things are really greening up. Hay fields and pastures are both in good shape and there's some standing water in some areas, which is to be expected," said Lange, "Any low-lying areas and ditches have water standing in them and the alfalfa stands right now, they're about 12 inches tall and very dense."

Source : Pembinavalley online

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Michael Killewald | | UM - Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences