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Deveron UAS Signs Contract with Thompsons.

From  Deveron UAS,
Deveron UAS Corp., a major drone-based data provider to the agricultural industry in North America, is pleased to announce a multi-year commitment to working with Thompsons Ltd. to provide leading-edge remote sensing data solutions to its growers.  The contract is expected to run through 2018.
Thompsons Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of US-based Lansing Trade Group LLC and The Andersons Inc., is a major Ag Retailer that has been in business since 1924.  Its people and innovation have contributed to its success with a core focus of providing its growers with customized, advanced agronomy solutions.
Drone data are being incorporated into the revolutionary business of precision agriculture, which is a system that places the right product, at the right time, in the right place according to the unique variability on a farm.  The focus of Thompsons’ Advanced Agronomy product is to help growers achieve more profit per acre.  Drone data and on-demand imagery are key ingredients in this process that can help drive accurate field scouting, near real-time crop maps, management zone creation for variable rate input prescriptions and detailed yield maps for growers.
“We are excited to be partnering with Deveron UAS to help us continue to more precisely document the variability that every field has,” commented Jevin Vyn, Agronomy Solutions Specialist at Thompsons Ltd.  “Deveron has proven to be a leader in the imagery market, and we believe that through our partnership we will be able to bring our customers new innovations in this space.  As well, we will be able to utilize drone data on many of our customers’ acres to help them increase profitability on their farm.”
David MacMillan, President & CEO, Deveron UAS commented: “Our multi-year deal with a prestigious firm like Thompsons Ltd. is further evidence that Deveron continues to dominate and lead innovation in drone data related precision agriculture.”


Source : Deveron UAS

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