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Dozen cattle missing from southwest pasture

A couple of organizations are teaming up to raise some alarms bells about the possible theft of a dozen cattle recently in southwestern Saskatchewan.

The Swift Current Rural RCMP and the Livestock Services Saskatchewan (LSS) are hoping the public has some details regarding 12 missing black yearling heifers.

"Animals can't be under lock and key all the time and they can't be under surveillance all the time," Garth Woods, operations manager of Livestock Services Saskatchewan, said. "If you have enough nerve to be a cattle rustler, there is opportunity, would be the best way to put it."

The cattle disappeared sometime between September 22 and October 13 from a pasture close to Lac Pelletier.

"These are heifers coming off grass that might be worth $1,400 on the current market," he said. "Currently they would just be good commercial quality cattle."

That price tag could improve if the owner's intentions were to feed them up to slaughter weight.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked by the Swift Current Rural RCMP or the LSS to contact them.

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