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Ference™ Insecticide And Secure® Fungicide Now Registered To Tackle Turf Pests In New York

  • New York approves Ference insecticide and Secure fungicide for use on turf
  • Ference controls all annual bluegrass weevil (ABW) larval stages
  • Secure offers multisite contact disease protection with low risk of resistance development
Syngenta is announcing Ference™ insecticide and Secure® fungicide are now registered for sale in the state of New York. Golf course superintendents and industry professionals in most counties within New York can depend on Ference to defend their turf from annual bluegrass weevil (ABW) and Secure to protect courses against tough turf diseases such as dollar spot, brown patch and leaf spot.
“We are excited New York has joined the states that approve the use of Ference and Secure,” said Bob Goglia, head of marketing for Syngenta, Turf & Landscape. “Ference offers a comprehensive solution for ABW larvae control and Secure has become one of the top-selling fungicides in the golf market. This registration is a big win for superintendents in a majority of counties in New York, as it allows them to protect their course with a highly effective ABW management tool and a multisite contact fungicide.”
Ference contains the active ingredient cyantraniliprole, which helps control all larval stages of ABW both inside the stem (first to second instar) and outside the stem (third to fifth instar). Ference raises the bar for season long control of ABW as part of the Syngenta Optimum Control Strategy. Ference can be applied to all turfgrass areas on the golf course, including tee-box areas, roughs, fairways, greens and collars. Visit™ for more information and recommended application timing.
Secure features the active ingredient fluazinam, which disrupts energy production at multiple metabolic sites within the fungal cell, resulting in a low risk of resistance development. As the first multisite contact fungicide registered since 1966, Secure provides a unique disease control offering in the marketplace. Additionally Secure is the only registered fungicide for turf in the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) group 29.
“Dependable fungicides and insecticides are an integral piece of any effective agronomic program to maintain control of challenging pests,” says Mike Agnew, Ph.D., technical manager with Syngenta.
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