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Hay Market Demand and Price Report for the Upper Midwest As of January 8, 2016

Demand and Sales Activity

Hay price increased $20.00 per ton compared to the previous report . Prime quality small square bale alfalfa is a major influence on price . There is a wide spread in hay prices between prime hay and grade 3 hay and even wi thin hay grades . Prices are reflecting the demand for quality small square alfalfa hay which is currently limited in demand.

For Nebraska , prices were fully steady . Demand is light to moderate the first full week of the year . Feedlots are purchasing the greatest volume of hay, dairy hay market is slow.

For Iowa , there is increased int erest in both hay and straw this first full week January . Rain has been plentiful the past week.

In South Dakota , alfalfa prices are steady , demand moderate to good . Dairy quality alfalfa hay movement has been slow with decreased milk price. Stra w and lower quality hay has had good demand because of muddy conditions .

For Missouri, the record flood water has flowed down the creek and many are trying to cleanup . Hay supplies are heavy, demand is light, and prices are steady . Mild temperature and mud is a problem in the state.

In Southwest Minnesota, good supply of hay offered this first week of January . Majority of the hay was lower quality with no prime hay offered for sale.

For Illinois, small square hay was the s trength of the market . Demand was moderate to good, with moderate offerings, and mixed prices. Large packaged hay was discounted compared to small square packaged hay.

In Wisconsin , not much change in the New Year as l ower quality hay is plentiful in the Wisconsin . Overall hay prices are steady compared to the last report. Straw market has some strength as reported in many markets . The Midwest straw prices continue st eady in the New Year .

Market price for s mall square bale avera ged $ 4 . 0 0 a bale (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . L arge square bale straw price decreased slightly , with an average price of $ 3 0 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 2 0 . 00 to $ 5 1 .00); and large round bale straw price , av erage price was $ 3 1 .00 per bale ( range of $ 2 7 .00 - $ 5 2 .0 0 per bale ) . There is good demand for straw in the Midwest.

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Video: In the Markets - David Windmar

The Market Journal team was in Kansas City this week for the National Association of Farm Broadcaster Convention. While there, Co-Founder of Agriculture Economic Insights, David Widmar joined us for his take on the current markets.