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Head Scab Risk Low

Head Scab Risk Low

By Pierce Paul and Aaron Wilson

According to the FHB forecasting system (, the risk for head scab is low across the state of Ohio for wheat flowering (anthesis) today, May 24, and over the next three days. Although temperatures have increased over the last few days, it has been very dry across most of the state where is crop is between full head emergence and early anthesis (flowering). Infrequent rainfall and low relative humidity between heading and early grain fill usually reduce the risk for scab, as the disease develops best under warm, wet, or humid conditions. However, do keep your eyes on the weather and the forecasting system as the crop continues to go through the anthesis growth stage over the next several days. The forecast is for cooler temperatures and average rainfall over the next week, with a few scattered and isolated showers between Wednesday and Saturday. If the weather turns wet and humid in your area over the next few weeks, the risk for scab and vomitoxin contamination of grain will increase. You may need to consider applying Prosaro, Caramba, or Miravis Ace, but remember, these fungicides are most effective against head scab when they are applied at or a few days after anthesis. Click on the links below for more details on fungicide efficacy and application for head scab control:



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