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Ontario is investing in innovative agri-food research

The Ontario government is investing $7.2 million in The Ontario government is investing $7.2 million in 44 Ontario-led research and innovation projects. This investment is being made through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, a collaboration between the province, the University of Guelph and Agricultural Research and Innovation Ontario (ARIO).

“We have a number of ambitious goals for the industry, and research and innovation will play a key role in helping us achieve them,” said Rob Flack, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness. “Through this investment, we are helping to create an environment where farmers and agri-businesses can leverage the latest research advancements, products and innovations. This will strengthen their operations and position the entire agriculture and food sector for growth and economic success.”

Funded projects focus on protecting animal and plant health, strengthening production systems, increasing environmental sustainability, and bolstering productivity and growth. Project examples include:

  • -  Creating a carbon capture system to store and reuse carbon dioxide in greenhouses, enhancing sustainability and reducing emissions.
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Saying Goodbye to Kim Anderson

Video: Saying Goodbye to Kim Anderson

Finally, SUNUP bids farewell to our longtime OSU Extension crop marketing specialist Dr. Kim Anderson as he drives his Chevy S-10 off into retirement. Thanks for all you have done for our TV show and the thousands of producers you have helped during your 40-plus years at OSU.