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Opportunities Continue To Grow Agri-Science Sector In Morden

For over a century, dedicated technicians and researchers have been promoting agri-science at the Morden Research and Development Centre.
The Centre was established in 1915 and is currently one of 20 research stations across Canada under Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
The Centre has always had an agricultural focus from animal research and plant development, shares Acting Director for Research Development and Technology Transfer in Manitoba Scott Duguid.
"We had animal research on everything from poultry, to horses and cattle at one time. We also had plant research going on in terms of crops and farmers used to come in here to get their grain to plant in their fields."
 Although farmers aren't getting their products directly from the Centre anymore, Duguid says researchers continue to work on developing new germplasms with the ultimate goal of improving the production of crops and enhance the productivity of the Canadian farmer.
 Not only does Centre create plants with more significant protein and carbohydrate quality with higher disease and insect-resistance, but they also research health benefits in commercial crops and best management practices for farms. Duguid notes a significant project is the management of nitrogen in the field, with scientists working on the uptake and availability of nitrogen in plants, and preventing fertilizers and other nitrates from flowing off fields and polluting bodies of water.
 These projects don't come easily and are the collaborative efforts of dozens of individuals. Currently, 25 researchers work in the Centre, 17 at the Morden station, eight in Winnipeg, along with technical staff and administration. With so many moving parts in the industry of agri-science, Duguid says there are many opportunities for employment.
 "Agriculture is a unique science it brings in many different aspects of science into it. Whether you're into botany, whether you're into animals, whether you're into bacteria or fungi, or if you're into DNA; if you enjoy that as a science student, there are many opportunities to use that knowledge in the agriculture sector."
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