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Postharvest Soil Sampling to Save Money

Postharvest Soil Sampling to Save Money

By Mason Tate

Harvest is wrapping up, but it is not quite time to kick back in the recliner. As you reflect on this year many variables played a factor into this year's harvest. Planting in some regions of Pennsylvania was delayed. July brought excessive amounts of rain and flash flooding events to some regions. Even damaging hail in localized areas! Heading into fall harvest, windows of decent weather were slim, and yet again we were faced with more precipitation, flooding in low lying areas, corn ear rots, and the dreaded mud. With all of that stacked against us, yields for soybeans and corn were average. However, scattered across the state yields did exceed average results. By now you have probably heard the buzz around fertilizer prices and the high cost to plant in 2022. Before prepaying for fertilizer, buying excessive fertilizer, or applying in areas that do not need fertilizer you should take a soil sample. Soil samples are quick, easy, and potentially save you money as you begin to make decisions for 2022. There are three easy ways to obtain your soil samples through Penn State

  1.  Visit an extension office near you
  2. Order online at the Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory
  3. Call 814-863-0841.

Soil samples purchased at an office are nine dollars/sample. Along with the purchase of the soil sample bag you receive a sheet to fill out your desired crop and yield goals.

If manure is being used in your fertilizer program be sure to not shortchange it! Livestock manure may be more important now than it has been in years past. With the uncertainty of fertilizer availability, incorporating it or truly knowing the value of your manure may pay great dividends. If you would like to know the nutrient value of your manure you can pick up a manure testing kit at any Penn State Extension office. Complete the paperwork inside, collect a sample, and send the sample again to The Pennsylvania State University 111 Ag Analytical Services Lab University Park PA 16802. Sample costs range from $32-$46.

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