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Precision Dairy Farming – New and Old Technologies

Precision Dairy Farming – New and Old Technologies

Brittany Todd and Kelsey Berger Keynote Day 2 at #PAG20

After a great first day of presentations at the Eastern Precision Ag Conference & Ag Tech Showcase at RBC Place in London, Ontario, day two is getting started with keynote speakers from WinField United and Grober Nutrition. Farmers from around the province have been taking part in the two-day conference to hear from experts about improving efficiencies, lowering costs and increasing profits through the use of precision agriculture technology.

This morning’s keynote speakers include Kelsey Berger, digital technology manager at Winfield United, and Brittany Todd, young animal specialist from Grober Nutrition. had the chance to sit down with Brittany Todd before her presentation to learn more about the “5 C’s of Calf Care” (Colostrum, Calories, Cleanliness, Comfort, and Consistency).

“We all know the 5 C’s of calf care; Colostrum, Calories, Cleanliness, Comfort and Consistency, and if one of those elements is missed a calf can have significant health events and lower average daily gain (ADG). Have you ever wondered how those health events relate to the lactating herd? Many studies have looked into growth of calves during the milk feeding phase and the lactating herd.  The results are hard numbers that show the importance of focusing on all aspects of calf raising to ensure best health and therefor the best ADG of your calves. As precision dairy farmers we can use both new and old innovative technologies to help manage calves to their fullest potential.”

Day two will also feature breakout sessions in the morning, with speakers and panelists from University of Guelph, OMAFRA, Zoetis Canada, IN10T (IN'TENT), and Haggerty Creek Ltd.  The afternoon will have keynote presentations from Dr. Karen Hand, Director, Research Data Strategy, Office of Vice President Food from Thought at University of Guelph on the “Digitization of the Food Chain” followed by a presentation from Marvin Talsma, product manager at Climate FieldView, who will discuss the “Value and Transparency Created by Today’s Digital Tools”.

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