Animal health and welfare
Mar 25, 2019

Video: Animal health and welfare

Find out about the latest decisions and discussions from EFSA's expert Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW).


 Animal health and welfare

Animal health and welfare

Find out about the latest decisions and discussions from EFSA's expert Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW).... More
Ontario Chicken Innovation and Growth Program

Ontario Chicken Innovation and Growth Program

Recognizing that Canadians are eating more chicken than ever before and continue to look for new, innovative products to meet their needs, Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) launched the Ontario Chicken Innovation and Growth Program to accelerate consumer-facing product innovation and stimulate gr... More
Meet some of the CFO DCRs

Meet some of the CFO DCRs

Chicken Farmers of Ontario Meet some of the CFO DCRs... More
Iron Talk - Tire Information

Iron Talk - Tire Information

Darren Hefty talks about the importance of understanding all the information and numbers that are on the sidewalls of your tires.... More
Soybean Planting Population and Consistency

Soybean Planting Population and Consistency

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss adjusting your soybean planting rates and aiming for good seed consistency when planting your soybean fields.... More
Flooding Impacts on Cattle with Dr. Matt Stockton

Flooding Impacts on Cattle with Dr. Matt Stockton

Dr. Matt Stockton joins the program to tell us what the recent flooding means for Nebraska beef producers.... More

Al's Forecast

It’s been a busy week for Nebraska Extension Agricultural Climatologist Al Dutcher. He gives his forecast for the coming week, and lets us know if more flooding could be on the way.... More

Market Analysis with Elaine Kub

Market Analysis with Elaine Kub

Analyst and Author Elaine Kub stops in to give viewers an idea of what role the Midwest flooding might play in the markets.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Sue Martin

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Sue Martin

Record flooding washes over several states. The vice president gets a first-hand look at the devastation. As one family returns to the farm, others are creating challenges by leaving. Market analysis with Sue Martin.... More
Exemption from new fuel charge available for Ontario farmers

Exemption from new fuel charge available for Ontario farmers

A new federal fuel surcharge comes into effect in Ontario. It’s part of the federal carbon pollution pricing system and there are implications for Ontario farmers. The new fuel surcharge in Ontario will be added to fuel used for air, marine, rail and road use. But Ontario farmers will be eligibl... More
VRA maps. Zone application. PLM Software.

VRA maps. Zone application. PLM Software.

Soil Compaction Maps VRA maps. Zone application. PLM Software.... More
What can be done about wireworms?

What can be done about wireworms?

Join Seedcare Technical Lead Ted Labun as he talks about wireworms, their lifecycle, how to spot signs of feeding damage, and what can be done to manage the issue.... More
soybean variety trial in Drumbo, Ontario

soybean variety trial in Drumbo, Ontario

Agronomic Sales Representative Marijke Van Andel shares insights from a trial site in Drumbo, Ontario, where new varieties are put to the test on a range of soil types.... More
Introducing the Kinze 4800 24 Row 70 cm Planter EN

Introducing the Kinze 4800 24 Row 70 cm Planter EN

The NEW 4800 24 row, 70 cm planter is designed from the ground up to be more efficient and productive to get more hectares planted every day. Starting with a durable front fold frame, and equipped with bulk fill seed hoppers and onboard dry fertilizer, the 4800 is fast to fill and easy to maneuv... More
Soil Summit 2019 - Speaker Spotlight: Jeff Schoenau

Soil Summit 2019 - Speaker Spotlight: Jeff Schoenau

Dr. Jeff Schoenau presented on the nature of manure, its application and its impacts on crops and soils of the Canadian prairies. In this video, he explains the benefits of manure over fertilizer, the differences between liquid and solid manure, and finally some take-home messages for farmers an... More
Selling straw to the pipeline! And grading with the 5020!

Selling straw to the pipeline! And grading with the 5020!

South sask farmer - Selling straw to the pipeline! And grading with the 5020!... More
Rocks, Rocks Get Rid of Those Rocks

Rocks, Rocks Get Rid of Those Rocks

In this video we look at the need to pick rocks up in the field. This video features big John Deere machines including a 9620R 4wd, S790 Combine. 9420R 4wd, 9370R 4wd, DB60 planters and more. We will talk about tillage, planting and harvesting and how a rock picker makes these jobs easier. Th... More
Soybean Marketing Updates

Soybean Marketing Updates

In this week's update, Frayne Olson, NDSU Extension crops economist/marketing specialist, talks about the latest in U.S. - China trade negotiations and the implications for soybean prices.... More
Weed of the Week - Wild Proso Millet

Weed of the Week - Wild Proso Millet

Brian and Darren Hefty share ideas for controlling wild proso millet on the farm.... More
Pre-Emerge Herbicides For Conventional Corn

Pre-Emerge Herbicides For Conventional Corn

The Hefty brothers discuss your pre-emerge herbicide options if you're planting conventional corn.... More
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