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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (73) ›Canola (357) ›
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A 2021 Pioneer Corn Revolution Hybrid: Meet Pioneer® brand P0947Q™

A 2021 Pioneer Corn Revolution Hybrid: Meet Pioneer® brand P0947Q™

In this video, Pioneer Product Agronomist Derek Bowman introduces you to Pioneer® brand P0947Q™, a new Qrome corn hybrid offering for farmers. This hybrid has higher ear height with good grain fill putting a lot of kernels on the ear. This hybrid is highly suitable for corn on corn acres, as wel... More
Day 2 of the Great Lakes Grain Crop Assessment Tour for 2020

Day 2 of the Great Lakes Grain Crop Assessment Tour for 2020

Day 2 Crop Assessment Tour by Great Lakes Grain. Today we're visiting the Dutton branch of AGRIS Co-operative.... More
The Benefits of Canola

The Benefits of Canola

Josh Lofton explains how a rotation of canola can help future wheat crops.... More
How We Hay Our Fields

How We Hay Our Fields

Canadian family captures their life and adventures on a hobby farm in Mulmur Ontario. We lived in the city all our lives and decided to make the move and buy a hobby farm. This changed our lives, and we want to share all of our experiences with the world.... More
Maizex Moving: How to Do a Yield Estimate on Corn and Soybeans

Maizex Moving: How to Do a Yield Estimate on Corn and Soybeans

Doing a yield count is an important step to tracking the performance of your crops and practices in the interest of improving your farm's profitability each year. Learn the basics of getting an accurate estimate in this episode of Maizex Moving with our Lead Agronomist Greg Stewart and our Brand... More
Lallemand Plant Care launches game-changing soybean inoculant in Canada

Lallemand Plant Care launches game-changing soybean inoculant in Canada

Scott Gray, Commercial Manager Canada at Lallemand Plant Care tells us about their new game-changing soybean inoculant, LALFIX® PROYIELD LIQUID SOYBEAN. The new liquid soybean inoculant combines two unique strains of nitrogen fixing bacteria to enhance soybean growth and yield, and brings a new ... More
Why Flexible Enlist™ Herbicides Are a Benefit

Why Flexible Enlist™ Herbicides Are a Benefit

Farmers using the Enlist™ weed control system get access to two valuable herbicides for postemergence application. Shawna Hubbard, Corteva Agriscience trait herbicide product manager, explains the benefits of Enlist Duo® and Enlist One® herbicides.... More

Dr. Breanne Tideman - Early season weed control considerations -

Dr. Breanne Tideman - Early season weed control considerations - 'In the Field' webinar

In the Field Webinar Series is an opportunity for farmers to hear and ask questions from industry experts on a weekly basis on various agronomy topics.... More
Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Author and analyst Elaine Kub discusses growing season across the country and the impacts of a recent market rally.... More
Fixing Unplanted Acres

Fixing Unplanted Acres

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about reclaiming flooded and unplanted fields for great yields next season.... More
CFAP Updates

CFAP Updates

Nebraska FSA Outreach Coordinator Bobbie Kriz-Wickham discusses changes to the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP).... More
Production for 2020 Cotton Crop Raised to 18.1 Million Bales

Production for 2020 Cotton Crop Raised to 18.1 Million Bales

The Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service has released the first survey-based production forecast for the 2020/21 U.S. cotton crop.... More
Hay prices improve

Hay prices improve

Jerome--In Jerome County, Ken Miller is getting in the third cut of hay. Its been a tough season for hay prices so far…and quality has been a problem.... More
Evaluating Your Corn Stand

Evaluating Your Corn Stand

The Hefty brothers discuss things to look for late in the season in your corn crop.... More
Federal Reserve Bank Takes Economic Temperature

Federal Reserve Bank Takes Economic Temperature

The economic figures that we quote nearly every week are part of what the Federal Reserve is watching when it decides economic policy.... More

Al's Forecast

The sun is shining and the crops are growing. Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has our forecast for the week.... More
Responding to apple replant disease with field research

Responding to apple replant disease with field research

The secrets of the soil await you and your guide Michelle Cortens, Tree Fruit Specialist with Perennia as you arrive at Nazinga Farm. Walking into a young planting you find Keith Fuller, Soil Scientist at AAFC, in the field.... More
Spraying Fungicide on Corn

Spraying Fungicide on Corn

We got Paul Delanghe do spray our corn this year and we were spraying Miravis Neo which is a fungicide from Syngenta.... More


We finally have Beefsteak tomatoes ripening in our hydroponic house. So as promised we did a taste test comparison of Hydroponic grown Beefsteak VS. Soil grown Beefsteak.... More
Chopping Silage with the New Holland 1915 3306 Cat Engine

Chopping Silage with the New Holland 1915 3306 Cat Engine

Chopping silage with the New Holland 1915 whopper chopper 3306 cat power.... More
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