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SD Record Soybean Crop Potential

SD Record Soybean Crop Potential

The soybean crop in South Dakota is one of the highest rated in the nation and the state could be on the way to a record crop.... More
Iron Talk -  Shatter Loss In Corn

Iron Talk - Shatter Loss In Corn

Darren Hefty talks about the economic impact of shatter loss at the header during corn harvest.... More
Canola Watch: Target Plant Density

Canola Watch: Target Plant Density

Learn how to use the Canola Calculator to determine the ideal target plant density for your field. The Canola Calculator can be found at More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson explains how the latest WASDE report compared to market expectations.... More
Introduction to A&L Labs Soil Health - VitTellus® Soil Health & VitTellus Bio?

Introduction to A&L Labs Soil Health - VitTellus® Soil Health & VitTellus Bio?

The A&L Research agronomy team developed the VitTellus® Soil Health analysis (launched Fall 2018) which is the next generation soil health test and recommendation package to help farmers and crop consultants make more informed decisions on application of nutrients and managing and improving thei... More
Thinning with an extra boost

Thinning with an extra boost

The next stop is at Birchleigh Farm to follow up with a fruit thinning trial that is a repeat from last year. The primary investigator is your guide Michelle Cortens, Tree Fruit Specialist with Perennia. She is especially interested to see how the heat wave affected the trial.... More
Top tips to manage Western Bean Cutworm in your fields

Top tips to manage Western Bean Cutworm in your fields

Bill Lester, Territory Sales Manager at Bayer Crop Science gives us some valuable tips on how to identify Western Bean Cutworm on our corn crop. He shares when to scout, and how to manage the pest if it is identified.... More

ONE BIG DAY! (The Last Day of Wheat Harvest 2020)

ONE BIG DAY! (The Last Day of Wheat Harvest 2020)

OUR LAST DAY OF WHEAT HARVEST 2020!! Which means, the straw we leave behind the combine needs baled! We bale some straw for the sheep (bedding), and the rest is sold to our neighbours (and friends) that also recently had a devastating fire that took out ALL their 2019 and early 2020 straw and h... More
Weed of the Week - Musk Thistle

Weed of the Week - Musk Thistle

Brian and Darren Hefty share control options for musk thistle on the farm.... More
Farmers Feeding Utah - Potato Donation

Farmers Feeding Utah - Potato Donation

Farmers Feeding Utah - Potato Donation... More
Weed ID: Musk Thistle

Weed ID: Musk Thistle

Extension Weed Specialist, shows us some musk thistle and educates us in the process.... More
Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 8: Murad Al-Katib

Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 8: Murad Al-Katib

In episode eight, Erin chats with Murad Al-Katib, President and CEO of Saskatchewan-based AGT Food and Ingredients. They discuss the growth potential for our country's agricultural sector, the Port of Churchill, and how to build a trade environment that works for everyone.... More
GrainTALK: 2020 Cover Crops - Clover and Options

GrainTALK: 2020 Cover Crops - Clover and Options

Join Senior Agronomist Marty Vermey and Anne Verhallen, Soil Management Specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) as they talk about about the cover crops for the 2020 season. With a special focus on different types of clover.... More
Spraying for Western Bean Cutworm -- New Holland SP275F

Spraying for Western Bean Cutworm -- New Holland SP275F

The dry weather in Eastern Ontario has created the perfect storm for insects to get established and take over. Threshold for Spidermites in soybeans and Western Bean Cutworm in corn have been reached in several areas. Here we are applying insecticide to try and stop the worms from damaging the d... More
Leafy Spurge

Leafy Spurge

Nebraska Extension Educator Gary Stone gives us some insight into leafy spurge and some tips for keeping it under control.... More
Derecho Storm Ravages Midwest Crops

Derecho Storm Ravages Midwest Crops

Corn farmers across the Hawkeye state are assessing the damage after a storm packing triple digit wind speeds laid waste to this year’s crop.... More
Corn Rootworm Damage (This Really Happens?!?)

Corn Rootworm Damage (This Really Happens?!?)

Warren Pierson shows us corn that has been destroyed by heavy winds due to corn rootworm.... More
Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Darin Newsom, President of Darin Newsom Analysis, discusses how this week’s extreme weather event is impacting the agricultural markets. Darin also offers his thoughts on the August WASDE Report before delving into the livestock markets.... More
Canola Watch: How to use the Canola Calculator to determine seeding rate

Canola Watch: How to use the Canola Calculator to determine seeding rate

Learn how to use the Canola Calculator to determine seeding rate by setting up the thousand seed weight, target plant stand and plant emergence. This tool can be found at the More
Pea, Faba Bean & Red Lentil Agronomy Webinar

Pea, Faba Bean & Red Lentil Agronomy Webinar

Alberta Pulse Growers Policy & Program Specialist Nevin Rosaasen discusses pea, faba bean and red lentil agronomy for a webinar recorded in 2020.... More
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