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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (73) ›Canola (357) ›
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Dry Land Wheat Trials

Dry Land Wheat Trials

Dry Land Wheat Trials... More
Are The Beans To Tall??

Are The Beans To Tall??

Chet explains why they like the ground sprayers,everybody helps to finish the fungicide spraying.... More
Farmers Donate Corn to Food Banks

Farmers Donate Corn to Food Banks

Behind the wheel of this Semi-truck, you’ll find farmer Neil Durrant of the Big D ranch out of Meridian.... More
Experiences of Judging and Why is Syrup Disqualified?

Experiences of Judging and Why is Syrup Disqualified?

A video from the “Handbook for Maple Grading and Judging Training” series.... More
#BetweenTheVines - Episode 2: Innovation with Aaron Oppenlaender

#BetweenTheVines - Episode 2: Innovation with Aaron Oppenlaender

In this episode, we went into the vineyard to meet Aaron Oppenlaender from Heubel Grapes Estates. He had some good news about how the crop is doing this year, explained the innovative techniques his vineyard has adopted to stay efficient and sustainable, and gave some insight on how he got into ... More
Fendt 822 Mowing 3rd cut Hay with Lely Triple Mowers

Fendt 822 Mowing 3rd cut Hay with Lely Triple Mowers

Fendt 822 Mowing 3rd cut Hay with Lely Triple Mowers | Ontario, Canada... More
Cargill Specialty Canola Growers Testimonials - Barth & Hergott.

Cargill Specialty Canola Growers Testimonials - Barth & Hergott.

Nathan Barth and Michelle & Brian Hergott describe how VICTORY canola compares to other commodity competitors.... More

Market Analysis - Darin Fessler

Market Analysis - Darin Fessler

Darin Fessler of Lakefront Futures & Options discusses current crop conditions, how weather plays into the volatility of corn and soybeans and what we can expect to see in next week’s USDA WASDE Report.... More
Soil pH & Cotton

Soil pH & Cotton

Brian Arnall has information about his study into soil pH and cotton.... More
Grain Bin Fan Controls

Grain Bin Fan Controls

The Hefty brothers discuss the importance of keeping your stored grain at ideal moisture.... More
Estate Planning in a Pandemic

Estate Planning in a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing many to reevaluate how prepared we really are if something were to happen.... More
Planting Alfalfa

Planting Alfalfa

Alex Rocateli tells us why selecting the right field is so important in producing a good alfalfa crop.... More
Weed of the Week - Wild Mustard

Weed of the Week - Wild Mustard

In this Weed of the Week, the Hefty brothers discuss the pesky weed, wild mustard.... More

Al's Forecast

It was a good week to walk the fields for many of us, but what’s ahead? Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has our forecast for the week.... More
Winter Canola Harvest 2020

Winter Canola Harvest 2020

The day has finally come to harvest the winter canola and with luck, on our side, we also start winter wheat harvest...completing the harvest "doubleheader".... More
Digging Deep into Ontario

Digging Deep into Ontario's Sub-Appellations Part 1: Niagara River

Winemaker Adam Pearce discusses growing conditions, soil structure and its effect on the vines in the Niagara River Sub-Appellation.... More
HAY 2020: Oceanfront Hay Making

HAY 2020: Oceanfront Hay Making

HAY 2020: Oceanfront Hay Making | Mac Farms... More
Baling hay racing the rains

Baling hay racing the rains

South Sask Farmer - Baling hay racing the rains... More
Canola Watch: Residue & Moisture Management

Canola Watch: Residue & Moisture Management

Plant establishment starts in the fall by spreading crop residue evenly. Uneven residue on the soil surface can prevent drill openers from penetrating residue to place seed into soil. Management of residue cover can impact soil temperature and moisture.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says U.S. Dollar Index has declined 10 percent, but that could make producers more competitive in the grain markets.... More
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