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Weed Control in Conventional soybeans

Weed Control in Conventional soybeans

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss conventional weed control in soybeans.... More
Pre-sidedress nitrate testing

Pre-sidedress nitrate testing

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss the benefits of pre-sidedress nitrate testing, and how to test on your farm.... More
Rice Crop Struggling with Early Season Setbacks

Rice Crop Struggling with Early Season Setbacks

It has been a struggle for rice producers in Louisiana this year. Heavy rains flooded fields early in the season and put the crop way behind its normal growing cycle. AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has this report from Crowley.... More
Ag Minute - Plant Food

Ag Minute - Plant Food

Darren Hefty talks about how farmers find the food plants need to grow.... More
Delayed Planting Cost Farmers and Economy

Delayed Planting Cost Farmers and Economy

Wet and flooded fields across South Dakota are causing record planting delays and some fields may not get planted at all this season. Michelle Rook looks at what this costs farmers, agribusinesses and rural economies.... More
Late and Prevented Planting Options and Crop Insurance for Wisconsin Farmers

Late and Prevented Planting Options and Crop Insurance for Wisconsin Farmers

Clarification from RMA, you cannot make silage from full prevented plant acres (option 2), only dry hay or grazing after Nov 1.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee says the soil profile across the entire state is saturated for the first time in a long time. Gary McManus says 119 of the 120 Oklahoma Mesonet sites have received above normal rainfall since March. He shows us where the lone holdout is.... More

Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says the recent 40-cent price hike in wheat could be a sign of what’s to come and producers should pencil out their marketing strategy now.... More
Pasture Weed Control

Pasture Weed Control

Brian and Darren Hefty go over the best options for great weed control in pastures.... More
Using Liberty Herbicide Correctly

Using Liberty Herbicide Correctly

The Hefty brothers offer tips on getting the most out of your Liberty herbicide application.... More
Weed of the Week - Yellow Nutsedge

Weed of the Week - Yellow Nutsedge

Darren and Brian Hefty talk about getting yellow nutsedge under control on the farm.... More
Big changes to Crop Insurance

Big changes to Crop Insurance

Amy Hagerman talks about how dual-use crop insurance can be an option for producers.... More
Weather Woes for Planting

Weather Woes for Planting

A wet spring has made planting extremely difficult. DTN Senior Ag Meteorologist Bryce Anderson breaks down what needs to happen to get farmers back out in the fields.... More

Al's Forecast

Will we be ending May on a wet note? Al Dutcher gives his forecast for what’s ahead.... More
Markets with Luke Beckman

Markets with Luke Beckman

Central Valley Ag’s Luke Beckman gives a breakdown of USDA’s new round of Market Facilitation Program payments. Hear how the markets are reacting to the report.... More
Early-season Soybean Herbicide Injury Symptoms

Early-season Soybean Herbicide Injury Symptoms

In this video, Dr. Rodrigo Werle (UW-Madison Extension Weed Scientist) describes the different types of early-season soybean injury potentially caused by commonly used PRE-emergence herbicides.... More
Updating Wheat

Updating Wheat

Unseasonably low temperatures have had an effect on this year's winter wheat crop. Is now a good time to think about selling your wheat as grain or forage? Market Journal reporter Bill Dodd breaks down the top stories on wheat from this month's CropWatch and BeefWatch.... More
Iron Talk - Grain Storage

Iron Talk - Grain Storage

Darren Hefty explains the importance of maintaining grain moisture and temperature.... More
Wheat Variety Performance

Wheat Variety Performance

Brett Carver gives us an update on how Oklahoma State University wheat varieties have performed this year.... More
Rising Threat of Wheat Diseases

Rising Threat of Wheat Diseases

Bob Hunger starts off the tour with information about wheat disease.... More
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