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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
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Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

In the Mesonet weather report, Wes Lee shows us how the soil profile is reacting to the recent moisture. Gary McManus says the rain this week prevented a return to abnormally dry conditions across the state.... More
Wheat Rust Update

Wheat Rust Update

Bob Hunger says wheat rusts may have jumped from southern Texas to southern Kansas, but don’t give up on scouting for rust.... More
Benefits of growing canola

Benefits of growing canola

We travel to Grant County for the second stop on the canola tour across northern Oklahoma.... More
Iron Talk - Rainy Day Jobs

Iron Talk - Rainy Day Jobs

Darren Hefty talks about making the most of your time when you can't get out in the field.... More
Grass Control in Spring Wheat

Grass Control in Spring Wheat

Controlling grass in spring wheat is critical for great yield. Darren and Brian Hefty share ideas for great grass control in spring wheat.... More
Spring Strip Tillage

Spring Strip Tillage

After being unable to do tillage in Fall 2018, many farmers will be doing strip-tillage this spring. The Hefty brothers discuss options and give tips for successful spring strip-tillage.... More
Canola Update - Best crop in years?

Canola Update - Best crop in years?

We get an update from Josh Lofton, on what is turning out to be one of Oklahoma’s best canola crops.... More

Weed of the Week - Waterhemp

Weed of the Week - Waterhemp

Waterhemp is one of the worst weeds you can have in your fields, but you can get it under control! Brian and Darren Hefty will tell you how.... More
Preparing for Summer Weeds

Preparing for Summer Weeds

Todd Baughman has advice about weed control when planning summer crops.... More
Wheat Fungicides

Wheat Fungicides

Darren and Brian Hefty go over the timing and product options for applying fungicides in wheat.... More
Ag Minute - Corn Planting Begins

Ag Minute - Corn Planting Begins

Darren Hefty explains factors that influence a farmer's decision when to plant corn.... More
Iron Talk - Tillage for Pre-Emerge Herbicides

Iron Talk - Tillage for Pre-Emerge Herbicides

Darren Hefty shares ideas for a successful pre-emerge program when tillage is being done.... More
Aerial Applicators Soar Over Iowa

Aerial Applicators Soar Over Iowa's Croplands

Each summer aerial dare devils fly the skies dusting crops from dawn to dusk. Some of those pilots have added more flights to provide a new way to assist in feeding the world - even as drone technology appears on the horizon.... More
New Rule Changes for WOTUS

New Rule Changes for WOTUS

Several thousand Corn Belt acres remain under water from spring flooding. This week, several senators journeyed to the heart of the damage and delivered sharp criticism to the federal agency that manages dams along the Missouri River.... More
Soybean Seed Treatments

Soybean Seed Treatments

Brian and Darren discuss various seed treatments, and whether or not you should try to save money by cutting them.... More
Alternative Uses for Brewer

Alternative Uses for Brewer's Spent Grain

We learn how a brewery is making chips and crackers from by-products of the beer making process.... More
Farm Basics - Pesticide Safety

Farm Basics - Pesticide Safety

The Hefty brothers explain the current state of the safety of pesticides, and steps that farmers take to stay safe when working around pesticides.... More
Weed of the Week - Lambsquarters

Weed of the Week - Lambsquarters

Darren and Brian Hefty offer tips on getting lambsquarters under control on the farm.... More
The Potential of Hemp

The Potential of Hemp

The 2018 Farm Bill has opened the door for farmers to grow industrial hemp. We examine why the plant has been so controversial, and hear what experts say its legalization could mean for Nebraska farmers. We’ll have part two of the story next week.... More
Corn Fundamentals Showing Weakness

Corn Fundamentals Showing Weakness

Discussion of corn use fundamentals with an emphasis on exports, feed and residual, and ethanol use for the 2018-19 marketing year.... More
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