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Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee shows us where the recent rains have fully saturated the soil profile and what part of the state is drying out. Gary McManus says even though we are approaching record rain amounts across the state, Oklahoma’s wettest time of the year is just beginning.... More
Understanding Soil Properties with Dr. Charles Shapiro

Understanding Soil Properties with Dr. Charles Shapiro

Nebraska Extension Soil Specialist Dr. Charles Shapiro talks about the physical and chemical properties of soil. Charles also gives a breakdown of the Soil Texture Triangle.... More
Is Flame Weeding For You?

Is Flame Weeding For You?

Nebraska Extension Integrated Weed Management Specialist Dr. Stevan Knezevic explains flame weeding and how producers can use it to control herbicide resistant weeds.... More
Weed of the Week - Canada Thistle

Weed of the Week - Canada Thistle

The Hefty brothers share their ideas on controlling Canada Thistle on the farm.... More
Status vs. HPPD Herbicides

Status vs. HPPD Herbicides

The Hefty brothers discuss using Status, or opting for an HPPD herbicide for weed control in your corn.... More
Getting The Most From Your Spray Tips

Getting The Most From Your Spray Tips

Darren Hefty talks about maximizing spray nozzle performance.... More
Soybean Pest Costs Farmers and Consumers

Soybean Pest Costs Farmers and Consumers

As farmers start a new growing season they're working to combat pests like soybean cyst nematode or SCN, which can rob their yields. Michelle Rook looks at the costs to farmers and consumers.... More

Reading soil sample results

Reading soil sample results

Brian Arnall explains how to read soil test results.... More
Soybean Planting Slowly Progressing

Soybean Planting Slowly Progressing

The optimum planting date for soybeans is rapidly approaching, and Louisiana farmers are hurriedly trying to get this year’s crop in the ground. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has the story.... More
Crop Considerations During Planting with Jenny Rees

Crop Considerations During Planting with Jenny Rees

Find out the latest research and best practices when it comes to planting corn and soybeans this season. Nebraska Extension Educator Jenny Rees sits down to discuss some things to remember.... More
Farm Basics - Pesticides and Soil Microbes

Farm Basics - Pesticides and Soil Microbes

Brian and Darren Hefty debate the benefits or risks to soil microbes when applying pesticides.... More
How Much Nitrogen Does Corn Actually Need

How Much Nitrogen Does Corn Actually Need

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss factors you should consider when applying nitrogen to your corn crop.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee shows us how to use the Drift Advisor to help with deciding when to spray crops. Gary McManus says while most of the state has seen above normal rainfall, the panhandle is drying out.... More
Soybean Traits and Weed Control Options

Soybean Traits and Weed Control Options

The Hefty brothers talk about your weed control options if you plant Xtend or Enlist soybeans.... More
Weed of the Week - Giant Foxtail

Weed of the Week - Giant Foxtail

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss options for getting giant foxtail under control.... More
Ag Minute - Late Planting

Ag Minute - Late Planting

Darren Hefty talks about the influence and risk of getting crops planted too late.... More

Al's Forecast

The temperatures are warming up as we start off May. What else can we expect? Al Dutcher gives his forecast for the week.... More
Considerations Prior to Cereal Rye Cover Crop Termination

Considerations Prior to Cereal Rye Cover Crop Termination

Dr. Rodrigo Werle (UW-Madison Extension Weed Scientist) visits with Dan Smith (Southwest Wisconsin Outreach Agronomist with the UW Nutrient and Pest Management Program) about why Wisconsin farmers are interested in adopting cover crops and some considerations prior to cereal rye cover crop termi... More

Al's Forecast

We all know the old saying “April showers bring May flowers,” but what does Market Journal Chief Meteorologist Al Dutcher’s forecast say? He lets us know what to expect for the week ahead.... More
Insects & Winter Crops

Insects & Winter Crops

This week on SUNUP, we learn how insects are impacting winter crop growth from Tom Royer.... More
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