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Canadian Foodgrains Bank Winter Wheat Harvest

Canadian Foodgrains Bank Winter Wheat Harvest

Canadian Foodgrains Bank Winter Wheat Harvest 2016 18 Combines Killarney, Manitoba... More
Manitoba Crop Update

Manitoba Crop Update

SE Manitoba crop update for soybeans and corn.... More
Spraying Wheat

Spraying Wheat

Spraying the wheat in Canada.... More
Ag Trade Expansion And Moose Jaw International Conference Dr. Andrew Schmitz - CTV Farmgate

Ag Trade Expansion And Moose Jaw International Conference Dr. Andrew Schmitz - CTV Farmgate

Dr. Andrew Schmitz, Ben Hill Griffin Chair, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville FL and Saskatchewan farmer, discusses opportunities and constraints in agricultural trade expansion in relation to Canadian prairie farmers and provides an overview of the ... More
OFA: Ag leaders talk trade with U.S. partners

OFA: Ag leaders talk trade with U.S. partners

Over the past three weeks, Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) President Keith Currie travelled across five states with Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Jeff Leal.... More
Planting Delays In SE South Dakota Frustrating For Farmers

Planting Delays In SE South Dakota Frustrating For Farmers

Despite drought conditions in some areas of South Dakota, in the southeast farmers have struggled with wet conditions this spring that have delayed planting. Michelle Rook caught up with Elk Point farmer Doug Hanson as he planted his last field of soybeans.... More
Bacterial Leaf Streak - Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Bacterial Leaf Streak - Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, says bacterial leaf streak has been confirmed in Nebraska corn. Tamra describes what growers should be looking for when scouting fields for the disease.... More

Best Practices For PSNT Soil Testing

Best Practices For PSNT Soil Testing

Extension Nutrient Management Specialist Fabian Fernandez shares his BMPs for taking successful PSNT samples.... More
Preventing Dicamba Drift

Preventing Dicamba Drift

As we move into seasonally warmer temperatures the potential for dicamba drift is higher. Larry Steckel reminds producers of ways to prevent off-target dicamba movement.... More
Corn Rootworm Digs

Corn Rootworm Digs

A great way to find out if you have corn rootworms is to dig for them, before you see the beetles later in the season.... More
Iron Talk - Spray Drift

Iron Talk - Spray Drift

Darren Hefty talks about steps you can take to reduce spray drift in your fields.... More
Soybean Post-Emerge Herbicides

Soybean Post-Emerge Herbicides

Brian and Darren discuss products (besides Roundup, Engenia, Xtendimax, and Liberty) that you can use in your soybean fields to control weeds.... More
Peterson Farm Brothers Residue Music Video

Peterson Farm Brothers Residue Music Video

A music video by the Peterson Brothers about soil health and crop residue. The song is called Residue and is a parody of Shape of You by Ed Sheeran.... More
Alberta Farmer

Alberta Farmer's Day

Oneil Carlier recognizes the important contributions of farmers to Alberta's economy on Farmer's Day,... More
pH Soil Test. PLM Mapping. Video#16. South Saskatchewan, Canada.

pH Soil Test. PLM Mapping. Video#16. South Saskatchewan, Canada.

this video is about pH Soil Test. PLM Mapping. Video#16. Markusson New Holland.... More
Nodulation in soybean | Dow Seeds Canada

Nodulation in soybean | Dow Seeds Canada

Daniel Masse, Commercial Agronomist with Dow Seeds discusses soybean nodulation and what to look for to maximize your soybean yield.... More
Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome Impact and Solutions

Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome Impact and Solutions

Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is present in almost every soybean growing state and is responsible for an average loss of 35-45 million bushels per year. Soybean growers now have a powerful tool to protect their crops against the infection caused by soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) fungu... More
Why Are Temperature Inversions Important When Deciding On Whether We Should Spray?

Why Are Temperature Inversions Important When Deciding On Whether We Should Spray?

When we are deciding whether or not to spray crop protection products we look at current and predicted windspeed and rainfall conditions.... More
Farm Basics - Soil Crusting

Farm Basics - Soil Crusting

Brian and Darren explain what soil crusting is and how farmers deal with it.... More
Weed Of The Week - Milkweed

Weed Of The Week - Milkweed

Milkweed is great for butterflies, not for crops. It's our Weed of the Week.... More
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