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The Benefits of using a nitrogen stabilizer

The Benefits of using a nitrogen stabilizer

Paul Foran, Market Development Specialist at Dow AgroSciences tells us about the science behind their eNtrench nitrogen stabilizer and the financial and environmental benefits producers will have when using eNtrench.... More
Managing Nitrogen Fertilizer In Corn

Managing Nitrogen Fertilizer In Corn

Manage corn nitrogen fertilizer to maximize yields and minimize costs.... More
Farm Basics - Shelterbelts

Farm Basics - Shelterbelts

If you are planting a new shelterbelt, here are some ideas to get it off to a great start.... More
Weed Of The Week - Waterhemp

Weed Of The Week - Waterhemp

Waterhemp is a problem across the country because of resistance. There are ways to control it.... More
Managing Weeds, Insects and Diseases

Managing Weeds, Insects and Diseases

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is helping Iowa farmers manage weeds, insects and diseases in their fields. Pest management is key to high yields and quality grain.... More
Post-Emergence Herbicides In Corn

Post-Emergence Herbicides In Corn

It is time for farmers to control weeds in their corn fields. However, the cool, wet start to the growing season makes it doubly important to read and follow herbicide labels.... More
After The Fire - Range Management

After The Fire - Range Management

K-State Research and Extension partnered with Oklahoma State Cooperative Extension Service to help ranchers continue the recovery process after wildfires ravaged their pastures earlier this year.... More

Biodiesel Tax Credit Extension In The Works

Biodiesel Tax Credit Extension In The Works

Congress is working on a longer term extension of the $1 per gallon biodiesel tax inventive. They are also looking at changing it to a producers credit. Michelle Rook looks at the effect this could have on U.S. biodiesel plants, soybean farmers and consumers.... More
Identifying And Scouting For Wheat Midge In Alberta

Identifying And Scouting For Wheat Midge In Alberta

Scott Meers, Insect Management Specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, explains the process for scouting and identifying wheat midge in your crop.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Al Sutherland shows us the parts of the state that are above average in rainfall. Gary McManus has the first drought-free map in quite a while and says June could be wet.... More
Scouting For Insect Damage - Bob Wright

Scouting For Insect Damage - Bob Wright

Bob Wright, Nebraska Extension entomologist, describes how farmers can scout their fields for signs of insect damage.... More
U.S. Corn Trade - Jon Doggett

U.S. Corn Trade - Jon Doggett

Jon Doggett, National Corn Growers Association executive vice president, talks about trade relationships with Mexican buyers and the future for U.S. trade deals.... More
Monitoring Crop Emergence

Monitoring Crop Emergence

Emile deMilliano, P.Ag, CCA, Manager of Training for CPS, discusses crop emergence and assessing crop stand density.... More
Planting Corn 2017 in Saskatchewan

Planting Corn 2017 in Saskatchewan

Case magnum in front of a John Deere corn planter.... More
Adjusting Nitrogen For This Corn Crop

Adjusting Nitrogen For This Corn Crop

Despite the wet weather many think may be causing nitrogen fertilizer to get away from corn plants, it is still far too early to make that decision.... More
Spring 2017 Nitrogen Concerns

Spring 2017 Nitrogen Concerns

University of Minnesota Extension educator Brad Carlson discusses wet spring conditions and the potential for nitrogen loss in corn.... More
Marc Hutlet Seeds Update

Marc Hutlet Seeds Update

Crop Update for SE Manitoba... More
Room To Grow

Room To Grow

4-H Alberta Centennial song, Room To Grow, song captures the hearts of all 4-Hers current and past.... More
Iron Talk - Nitrogen Placement In Corn

Iron Talk - Nitrogen Placement In Corn

During this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty talks about the different options for nitrogen placement in your corn field.... More
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