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Post-Emerge Residuals In Soybeans

Post-Emerge Residuals In Soybeans

If you missed the opportunity to put a pre on in your soybean fields, Brian and Darren have some suggestions for post-emerge residuals.... More
Weed Of The Week - Shepherd

Weed Of The Week - Shepherd's Purse

Learn how to get shepherd's purse under control on your farm.... More
U.S. Corn Exports - Tom Sleight

U.S. Corn Exports - Tom Sleight

Tom Sleight, U.S. Grains Council president and CEO, describes the current state of trade relations with Mexican corn buyers. Tom also talks about emerging markets for U.S. grain and biotechnology issues with China.... More
Ben Heenan - Field To Field

Ben Heenan - Field To Field

In 2012, Ben Heenan was selected first overall in the CFL entry draft by the Saskatchewan Roughriders. In 2016, he retired from football to go back to work his family farm.... More
Canola Stand Establishment: A Grower Q & A

Canola Stand Establishment: A Grower Q & A

This video from the Canola Council of Canada describes key stand establishment steps using animated video and a question and answer format with growers. Canola crops that come out of the ground evenly and with seven to 10 plants per square foot can compete better with pests and mature more evenl... More
 Saskatchewan Farmers Say Future Is Optimistic For Young Operators

Saskatchewan Farmers Say Future Is Optimistic For Young Operators

The 2016 Census of Agriculture shows for the first time since 1991, there was an increase in the number of farmers under 35 and the number of female operators.... More
DuPont™ Lumisena™ fungicide seed treatment time-lapse

DuPont™ Lumisena™ fungicide seed treatment time-lapse

In multi-year, on-farm DuPont Pioneer seed treatment trials, Lumisena™ seed treatment provided a 1.7 bu/acre yield advantage versus the industry standard seed treatment under Phytophthora pressure.... More

Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update Featuring Patrick Delaney

Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update Featuring Patrick Delaney

Kansas Soybean Update Featuring Patrick Delaney... More
Soil Management

Soil Management

Brian Arnall offers advice on managing soil fertility after significant rainfall. He also invites viewers to the 125th Harvest of Magruder Plots Field Day on May 19.... More
Open Farm Days 2017

Open Farm Days 2017

Farmers and ranchers are invited to share stories, educate and expand their markets as hosts for Alberta Open Farm Days, Aug. 19-20n... More
 Alberta Farmers Face Weather Woes

Alberta Farmers Face Weather Woes

Wet fields are making seeding difficult, while some crops snowed under last year still need to be harvested.... More
Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency

Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency

Nutrient Use Efficiency and improvement.... More
Iron Deficiency Chlorosis In Soybeans

Iron Deficiency Chlorosis In Soybeans

Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC) in Soybeans.... More
Winter Wheat Scouting Tips

Winter Wheat Scouting Tips

Stephen Wegulo, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, discusses the current condition of Nebraska’s winter wheat crop and gives an overview of wheat disease appearance.... More
Scouting For Corn Seedling Diseases

Scouting For Corn Seedling Diseases

Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, describes why corn growers should scout for seedling diseases.... More
 Why Canada Is Becoming The Pantry Of The World (Think: Peas)

Why Canada Is Becoming The Pantry Of The World (Think: Peas)

People used to call Canada the world's breadbasket, but we should probably be known as the world's pantry. Canada is the largest exporter of dried peas in the world, producing over three million tons of pulses, from red lentils to chickpeas to navy beans.... More
Busy Day In The Yard Shipping Seed

Busy Day In The Yard Shipping Seed

Aerial view of main seed yard.... More
How Will Tax Reform Impact Farm Families?

How Will Tax Reform Impact Farm Families?

Both Congress and the Administration are working on a massive tax reform plan that would simplify the tax code and lower rates for corporations and individuals. How will this impact farmers and their families? Michelle Rook has the details.... More
Weed Of The Week - Bromegrass

Weed Of The Week - Bromegrass

This week's Weed of the Week is Bromegrass. Brian and Darren Hefty talk about how to identify and control it on your farm.... More
Iron Talk - Spray Nozzles Management Tips

Iron Talk - Spray Nozzles Management Tips

Darren Hefty talks about choosing the rights spray nozzles for your sprayer and crop and the importance of maintaining them throughout the season.... More
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