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Farm Basics - Grain Bin Prep And Safety

Farm Basics - Grain Bin Prep And Safety

During this week's Farm Basics, Brian and Darren Hefty talk about preparing your grain bins for the upcoming season.... More
 Canada Peas Outlook 2016-2017

Canada Peas Outlook 2016-2017

Canadian Peas Outlook at 2017 China International Conference on Peas, Flaxseed and Sesame in Qingdao, China... More
Lentils From Riceton - We Are The Best

Lentils From Riceton - We Are The Best

Saskatchewan is the country’s largest producer of lentils. Ricardo heads to the Prairie province to meet up with Lee Moats, a farmer whose family has been growing grain and legumes for generations. He shares his love of the land with us, and explains why Canada is the world’s number-one exporter... More
Trade War: Interview with Bill Owens

Trade War: Interview with Bill Owens

There are escalating trade tensions between the U.S. and Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned that Canada and the U.S. could suffer a “thickening” border after the Trump administration announced it would impose new tariffs, up to 24 percent, on softwood lumber entering the U.S. from Cana... More
 A new herbicide solution for over 200 broadleaf weeds in soybeans and cotton

A new herbicide solution for over 200 broadleaf weeds in soybeans and cotton

Chad Asmus, Technical Marketing Manager at BASF tells us about Engenia herbicide a new solution for dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton. It's the most flexible and advanced dicamba for dicamba-tolerant crops.... More
 New solutions for weed control in corn and soybeans

New solutions for weed control in corn and soybeans

Daniel Wallanstine, Technical Marketing Manager at BASF tells us about two new herbicides. Zidua Pro herbicide for soybeans gives you the flexibility of managing weeds with an all in one burn down and long residual herbicide all in one jug. Armezon Pro is either a one pass or two pass herbicide ... More
Ag Minute - Eliminating Weeds In Your Yard

Ag Minute - Eliminating Weeds In Your Yard

Darren Hefty talks about why weeds are still showing up in your yard after spraying and better options to control them in your yard.... More

Weed Control In Ditches And Fencelines

Weed Control In Ditches And Fencelines

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the best options for controlling weeds in your ditches and fencelines.... More
Post Emerge Residuals In Corn

Post Emerge Residuals In Corn

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the different post emerge residual option to use in corn.... More
BeGrainSafe Entrapment Demonstration

BeGrainSafe Entrapment Demonstration

Across Canada, the number of people being trapped in grain is on the rise. The Grain Safety Program is intended to address this issue. At the heart of the program is the building of a mobile demonstration unit that can function as both an education and training tool.... More
Kansas Wheat Tour Update 2017

Kansas Wheat Tour Update 2017

K-State wheat specialist, Romulo Lollato, explains the condition of the wheat throughout Kansas.... More
Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update

Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update

Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update featuring Dr. Doug Jardine... More
Yellow Corn Needs Some Heat

Yellow Corn Needs Some Heat

Farmers are worried about their corn crop across the Midwest. Some of it most certainly will need to be replanted because of standing water, but as Todd Gleason reports some whole fields have turned yellow.... More
  Manitoba Farmers Cash In As Quinoa Craze Heats Up

Manitoba Farmers Cash In As Quinoa Craze Heats Up

It's a crop typically grown south of the equator, far from Manitoba. But more and more quinoa is being produced in the province as demand for the grain, and its popularity, keep growing.... More
 Manitoba Potato Seeding

Manitoba Potato Seeding

Seeding potatoes in Manitoba... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says the recent snow in the High Plains could damage one percent of U.S. exports, but time will tell.... More
Weed Of The Week Venice Mallow

Weed Of The Week Venice Mallow

Find out how to control Venice mallow on your farm in this Weed Of The Week segment.... More
Bringing a Crop Protection Product to Market

Bringing a Crop Protection Product to Market

Farmers work hard to grow healthy crops, but pests work even harder to destroy them. Up to 80 percent of crops could be lost annually without pest management tools. That’s why the crop protection industry has dedicated plant scientists working tirelessly to develop solutions for farmers.... More
Stamp Seeds - Shipping Seed

Stamp Seeds - Shipping Seed

We are applying seed treatments and shipping wheat and pea seed to customers for planting.... More
Grain Market Outlook Spring 2017

Grain Market Outlook Spring 2017

Wouldn’t you like to know where the grain markets have been, where they are now, and most importantly, where we expect them to be in the next 30 days?... More
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