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Canola Videos

Check out our collection of canola videos, including videos on canola news, canola reports, Canola Watch, canola harvesting, Canola Council, and more.
TruFlex™ Canola Overview | Superior Weed Control. Higher Yield Potential.

TruFlex™ Canola Overview | Superior Weed Control. Higher Yield Potential.

TruFlex™ canola with Roundup Ready® Technology provides enhanced weed control and greater flexibility in spray rates and timing for maximum yield potential.... More
Time to combine some canola!

Time to combine some canola!

South Sask Farmer - Time to combine some canola!... More
Canola industry update for Canola Week

Canola industry update for Canola Week

A canola industry update, recorded for Canola Week by Canola Council president, Jim Everson.... More
CCGA: Helping Farmers Succeed

CCGA: Helping Farmers Succeed

Since 1984, CCGA has been Helping Farmers Succeed. Along with you, we’ve seen and experienced the incredible changes in agriculture over the decades. Watch this video to see how we've been there - and will continue to be there - for farmers through our advocacy work and our administration of the... More
Harvest in Saskatchewan | 2020

Harvest in Saskatchewan | 2020

Harvest in Saskatchewan | 2020 Follow along with Double Bar D Farms for a day of canola harvesting in southern Saskatchewan. Filmed near Grenfell, Saskatchewan. Featuring Claas Lexion 8800 Combines, John Deere 9620RX Tractors, and Elmer's Haulmaster 2000 Grain Carts.... More
Swathing canola!

Swathing canola!

South Sask Farmer - Swathing canola!... More
When is canola most vulnerable to a blackleg infection?

When is canola most vulnerable to a blackleg infection?

SyngentaCanada - When is canola most vulnerable to a blackleg infection?... More

What are some considerations when trying to manage blackleg?

What are some considerations when trying to manage blackleg?

SyngentaCanada - What are some considerations when trying to manage blackleg?... More
Why are canola seed treatments important?

Why are canola seed treatments important?

SyngentaCanada - Why are canola seed treatments important?... More
How to Assess Canola Stand

How to Assess Canola Stand

Manitoba Agriculture - How to Assess Canola Stand... More
Two New Holland SP370F Sprayers Applying Fungicide on Canola

Two New Holland SP370F Sprayers Applying Fungicide on Canola

This video features a pair of New Holland SP370F sprayers applying fungicide in Northern Saskatchewan. Auger Agriculture has been pushing the boundaries of high-quality agricultural content for over five years on social networks, by showcasing quality photos and viral videos of small family f... More
Bourgault SEEding is Believing 2020 - Canola Field Trials

Bourgault SEEding is Believing 2020 - Canola Field Trials

For those who missed the agronomy tour provided by Bourgault on the week of June 22nd, Curtis de Gooijer, Corporate Agronomist for Bourgault provides highlights of the various trials conducted on our large scale canola trials.... More
Canola Watch: Target Plant Density

Canola Watch: Target Plant Density

Learn how to use the Canola Calculator to determine the ideal target plant density for your field. The Canola Calculator can be found at More
Canola Watch: How to use the Canola Calculator to determine seeding rate

Canola Watch: How to use the Canola Calculator to determine seeding rate

Learn how to use the Canola Calculator to determine seeding rate by setting up the thousand seed weight, target plant stand and plant emergence. This tool can be found at the More
Canola Watch: Soil Temperature

Canola Watch: Soil Temperature

To determine the average soil temperature: Use a soil thermometer and take readings at 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. over a few days and average the results. Because canola is seeded at 1” deep, test the soil temperature at that depth. Be consistent.... More
Cargill Specialty Canola Growers Testimonials - Barth & Hergott.

Cargill Specialty Canola Growers Testimonials - Barth & Hergott.

Nathan Barth and Michelle & Brian Hergott describe how VICTORY canola compares to other commodity competitors.... More
Canola Watch: Residue & Moisture Management

Canola Watch: Residue & Moisture Management

Plant establishment starts in the fall by spreading crop residue evenly. Uneven residue on the soil surface can prevent drill openers from penetrating residue to place seed into soil. Management of residue cover can impact soil temperature and moisture.... More
InVigor Canola 300 Series

InVigor Canola 300 Series

Since its launch, InVigor hybrid canola has been grown on over 160 million acres across Canada. And counting. 30 million acres have harnessed our patented Pod Shatter Reduction technology and 12 million have used our clubroot-resistant genetics This year, we continue to lead the way by adding tw... More
Pioneer Canola Hybrid treated with Lumiderm vs Competitor Treatment | Corteva Agriscience Canada

Pioneer Canola Hybrid treated with Lumiderm vs Competitor Treatment | Corteva Agriscience Canada

Southern Alberta Pioneer Agronomist, Nicci Rasmussen, demonstrated the difference between a Pioneer Protector brand hybrid treated with Lumiderm vs a competitor's insecticide treatment.... More
Cargill Specialty Canola Grower Testimonials - Hilgartner & Barth.

Cargill Specialty Canola Grower Testimonials - Hilgartner & Barth.

D’Arcy Hilgartner and Nathan Barth talk about the opportunities and financial benefits to the Cargill Specialty Canola Program.... More
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