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Canola Videos

Check out our collection of canola videos, including videos on canola news, canola reports, Canola Watch, canola harvesting, Canola Council, and more.
How to scout and manage sclerotinia stem rot

How to scout and manage sclerotinia stem rot

Colleen Redlick, Technical Service Specialist with BASF Canada gives us tips on how and when to scout for sclerotinia and how to best manage it to assure the best yield.... More
Seeding 2018

Seeding 2018

Planting Hard Red Spring Wheat and Canola in Northern Alberta... More
 Seeding canola

Seeding canola

Check out this windy video of seeding Invigor L252 canola at 4.0 mph with a John Deere 9570RX pulling a Bourgault 3320 QDA and 7700 cart.... More
 CPTPP and Canadian Canola: Ken Stone Vignette

CPTPP and Canadian Canola: Ken Stone Vignette

Hear seed developer Ken Stone talk about what the CPTPP means to him.... More

Canada's trade deficit widens to $2.7B in February

Canada exported 40 per cent less canola in February, partly because of rail issues in Western Canada.... More
 CPTPP and Canadian canola

CPTPP and Canadian canola

The Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership is a pivotal opportunity for the Canadian economy.... More


UofA Professor Stephen Strelkov talks about his research into diseases attacking canola crops in central Alberta.... More

Scouting for Blackleg in Canola

Scouting for Blackleg in Canola

Russel Trischuk, Regional Technical Manager at BASF gives us some helpful hints when scouting for Blackleg in Canola.... More
 Blackleg In Canola - Best Management Practices

Blackleg In Canola - Best Management Practices

Blackleg In Canola - Best Management Practices... More
 Canadian Canola Growers Association - Canola Dockage Assessment Process for Farmers

Canadian Canola Growers Association - Canola Dockage Assessment Process for Farmers

A detailed look at how dockage in canola is assessed in Canada.... More
 Canadian Canola Growers Association - Canola Dockage Basics for Farmers

Canadian Canola Growers Association - Canola Dockage Basics for Farmers

The value of your canola delivery depends not just on grade and price, it also depends on how much dockage (stems, pods, other material) is in your canola.... More


Manitoba Canola Growers hosts CanolaPALOOZA which is a research event focused on sharing agronomic information to farmers and agronomists.... More
 Canola Connect Community Summit

Canola Connect Community Summit

The Manitoba Canola Growers through the Canola Eat Well program put on a #CanolaConnect Community Summit in the spring of 2017.... More
Canola Update

Canola Update

We start with an update on the canola crop with Josh Lofton. He also has advice on summer crops for the 2018 season.... More
 We Are Manitoba Canola Growers

We Are Manitoba Canola Growers

Associations like the Manitoba Canola Growers are a way for farmers to band together to increase their influence in the industry.It is important for farmers to work together, the teamwork approach has always worked best.... More
 Findings of Monosem Planted Canola

Findings of Monosem Planted Canola

Discussing Seeding Rates, Emergence and Yields Monosem Planter VS Seedhawk Seed Drill Northern Equipment Solutions,Ontario, Canada.... More
 Blackleg In Canola

Blackleg In Canola

Blackleg In Canola - Understanding Blackleg Resistance and Management Tools... More
 Monosem NG+ Planting Canola At Reduces Seeding Rates and Higher Yields

Monosem NG+ Planting Canola At Reduces Seeding Rates and Higher Yields

Monosem NG+ Precision Planter Seeding Canola At 1.7 pounds of seed to the acre-Ontario, Canada.... More
 How data helped increase production: Canola

How data helped increase production: Canola

This video is about How data helped increase production: Canola '17... More
Can You Find Your Canola Plants?

Can You Find Your Canola Plants?

Josh Lofton has an update on the canola crop. He also talks about the upcoming Sorghum Conference, Canola College and No-Till Conference.... More
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