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Canola Videos

Check out our collection of canola videos, including videos on canola news, canola reports, Canola Watch, canola harvesting, Canola Council, and more.
Canola Watch: Cleaning and preparing the sprayer.

Canola Watch: Cleaning and preparing the sprayer.

While waiting for the right conditions for a pre-seed burnout or to start seeding, pull out the sprayer and get it ready for action. Find some quick tips and areas to focus on when preparing the sprayer.... More
How to Determine Optimal Fungicide Timing in Canola | Pioneer Seeds Canada

How to Determine Optimal Fungicide Timing in Canola | Pioneer Seeds Canada

Watch as NW Saskatchewan Pioneer Agronomist, Jenna Gregoire, demonstrates how to determine the optimal fungicide timing for you canola crop... More
Its Just One of Those Years Again

Its Just One of Those Years Again

Northern farmer - Its Just One of Those Years Again!!... More
Cargill Specialty Canola Grower Testimonials - Windy Poplar Farms & Hartter

Cargill Specialty Canola Grower Testimonials - Windy Poplar Farms & Hartter

Windy Poplars Farm and Eugene Hartter discuss the markets and the bonuses of being in the Cargill Specialty Canola Program.... More
Canola Watch: Preparing the drill for canola seeding

Canola Watch: Preparing the drill for canola seeding

Canola seed placed at a consistent depth across the width of the seeding tool will improve seed-to-soil contact, increase seed survival and help the crop emerge evenly. Drill preparation is crucial to achieving canola stand establishment targets. Here are a few tips when it comes to prepping t... More
Mitigating the impact and cost of flea beetles in Canola

Mitigating the impact and cost of flea beetles in Canola

Justin Krieger, Marketing Development Representative at Bayer Crop Science tells us about the impact flea beetles can have on Canola. He gives us tips on how to scout for activity, how to manage if there is an issue and how to get ahead of the problem well before an issue can arise.... More
Crop Update

Crop Update

Josh Lofton has an update on winter crops and has advice for producers thinking about summer crops.... More

Canola & Long-Term Cropping Systems

Canola & Long-Term Cropping Systems

Josh Lofton has information about planting canola and cover crops as part of a long-term cropping system.... More
Canola - Seeding to Harvest 2019 - PART 1

Canola - Seeding to Harvest 2019 - PART 1

In this video you can see our canola: when and how it got seeded, how it got sprayed an you can watch it grow in a timelapse.... More
Staging For Reglone Ion in Canola

Staging For Reglone Ion in Canola

Agronomic Service Representative, Sterling Mitchell, shares some valuable information on properly staging your canola crop for Reglone Ion application.... More
Cat Lexion, Harvester Canola

Cat Lexion, Harvester Canola

Cat Lexion, Harvester Canola : Tractor Lover... More
Benefits of growing canola

Benefits of growing canola

We travel to Grant County for the second stop on the canola tour across northern Oklahoma.... More
Canola Update - Best crop in years?

Canola Update - Best crop in years?

We get an update from Josh Lofton, on what is turning out to be one of Oklahoma’s best canola crops.... More
Pre-Emerge Herbicides For Canola-Dry Beans-Field Peas-Lentils

Pre-Emerge Herbicides For Canola-Dry Beans-Field Peas-Lentils

Darren and Brian Hefty go over the various options you could use for pre-emergent weed control in your canola, dry beans, field peas, and lentils.... More
How to Identify Root Maggot

How to Identify Root Maggot

Provincial Specialist James Tansey demonstrates how and why to look for root maggot in canola.... More
 Canola scouting

Canola scouting

Producers can scout for many different reasons. Some of these reasons include, to determine if a fungicide application is needed, to check the efficacy of the fungicide treatment, and to assess disease levels to help plan for future years.... More
 Cutting canola with new John Deere W150 in Saskatchewan

Cutting canola with new John Deere W150 in Saskatchewan

Swathing canola with new John Deere W150 swather Humboldt area, Saskatchewan, Canada.... More
 Canola 2018

Canola 2018

This video is about canola2018.... More
 Leaders Wanted for Alberta Canola: Let Your Name Stand

Leaders Wanted for Alberta Canola: Let Your Name Stand

The Alberta Canola Producers Commission is seeking four canola growers to serve as directors on the board of directors for a 3-year term. This year, directors are needed in regions 3, 6, 9, and 12.For complete details on becoming a director and to download nomination forms visit More
Canola Update

Canola Update

We review the canola season and look ahead to summer crops with Josh Lofton.... More
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