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Horticulture Videos

Explore our collection of horticulture videos, including videos on sustainable farming practices, Manitoba Horticulture School, small farms, community gardens, horticulture management and more
Second-Crop Rice Harvest having Good Yields

Second-Crop Rice Harvest having Good Yields

South Louisiana rice farmers are finishing up their ratoon or second harvest. The yields have been good and are needed because of lower rice prices. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has the story from Acadia Parish.... More
Pumpkins Broaden Viability of Illinois Growers

Pumpkins Broaden Viability of Illinois Growers

The wet summer drowned more than just corn and soybeans. Heavy rains washed away the Maryland pumpkin crop.... More
Farmer Experimenting with Furrow-Irrigated Rice

Farmer Experimenting with Furrow-Irrigated Rice

Conserving natural resources is often a component of a farmer’s master plan. A rice producer in St. Landry Parish is experimenting with a technique called furrow-irrigated rice in an effort to reduce his carbon footprint and help his bottom line... More
Real Dirt Road Trip - Pickling Cucumbers (Part 2)

Real Dirt Road Trip - Pickling Cucumbers (Part 2)

Part two of our first stop on The Real Dirt Road Trip where we visited Froese Vegetables Inc, a family-owned pickling cucumber farm.... More
Real Dirt Road Trip - Pickling Cucumbers (Part 1)

Real Dirt Road Trip - Pickling Cucumbers (Part 1)

Part one of our first stop on The Real Dirt Road Trip where we visited Froese Vegetables Inc, a family-owned pickling cucumber farm.... More
Rice Crop in Better Shape than Three Previous Crops

Rice Crop in Better Shape than Three Previous Crops

Rice producers in Louisiana have had three difficult growing seasons in a row, but right now, this year’s crop is looking good. Farmers attending the LSU AgCenter’s rice field day heard about research being conducted, and AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has this report from Crowley.... More
Beet Innovation

Beet Innovation

Idaho farmers harvested a record 7.2 million tons of sugar beets on 2,000 fewer acres and turned out 2.34 billion pounds of sugar in 2017. One farmer outside of Burley has doubled his sugar content using an innovative no-till, a method that has neighbors taking notice.... More

Pecan Industry Hopes Domestic Growth Will Match International

Pecan Industry Hopes Domestic Growth Will Match International

Only almonds surpass pecans when it comes to U.S. acres dedicated to production, yet growers say many Americans are unable to identify them. Pecan farmers are hoping to crack into new domestic markets... More
The Greenhouse Education Center - How We Grow

The Greenhouse Education Center - How We Grow

The Greenhouse Education Center is a mobile snapshot of the NatureFresh Farms facilities.... More
April Freeze Takes Toll on Peach Crop

April Freeze Takes Toll on Peach Crop

Joey Jamison didn’t lose a crop to an April freeze until 2007. On April 8 subfreezing temperatures struck again, damaging his crop for the third time in nine years. With more than 3,000 trees to examine, it’s too early to tell how much of his crop will be lost, but the damage seems widespread.... More
Hemp in Kentucky on the Food Connection

Hemp in Kentucky on the Food Connection

At a first Friday breakfast, we explored the past, present, and future of hemp in Kentucky with Dr. Shawn Lucas of Kentucky State University, hemp farmer Mike Lewis, and Annie Rouse from Friends of Hemp and Think Hempy Thoughts.... More
Scouting for Strawberry Aphids

Scouting for Strawberry Aphids

Strawberry viruses are vectored by strawberry aphids. This video will teach you how to identify strawberry aphids and scout for them in your fields.... More
 Largest Tomato Farm In North America

Largest Tomato Farm In North America

Leamington Ontario: The Tomato Capital Of Canada. This is the Largest Tomato Farm In North America Those tomatoes in your local grocery store, they took a lot of work. Unlike traditional field tomatoes, yields from these regulated greenhouses can be 10 to 20 times greater per square foot... More
March is a Great Time to Plant Herbs in Louisiana

March is a Great Time to Plant Herbs in Louisiana

When you say the word ‘herbs,’ the list of options is extensive. And the diverse flavors you can bring from your backyard to your kitchen is nothing short of thrilling. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains why March is a great time to plant your herbs.... More
 Watch a special story about native Canadian Maples

Watch a special story about native Canadian Maples

View maples in their beautiful fall colours and learn more about the incentives available for planting Native Canadian Maples.... More
  Biovigilance: A holistic approach to agriculture

Biovigilance: A holistic approach to agriculture

Researchers at the Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Research Centre in Quebec are working with the horticultural industry to develop effective and sustainable control methods against new diseases and pests. Learn more about this new approach to research.... More
 Beekeeping in Canada

Beekeeping in Canada

Arianne Richeson from the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum is joined by Paul Lacelle from the Ontario Beekeepers Association to talk about the upcoming event, Food For Thought Lecture .... More
Florida Citrus Industry Continues Disease-Driven Slide

Florida Citrus Industry Continues Disease-Driven Slide

Citrus greening has been detected in Florida, the first time the devastating plant disease, also known as Huanglongbing or HLB, had been found in the United States.... More
 Thanks to Quebec, Canada is the second largest cranberry producer in the world

Thanks to Quebec, Canada is the second largest cranberry producer in the world

The soil in central Quebec is ideal for growing cranberries. Thanks to entrepreneurs like Martin Lemoyne, president and founder of Fruit d’Or, Canada has become a major supplier of fresh and processed cranberries.... More
USDA-ARS Entomologists “Turn Up The Bass” On Vineyard Pests

USDA-ARS Entomologists “Turn Up The Bass” On Vineyard Pests

Scientists with the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service in central California are using sound to control insects that spread disease in grape vineyards. USDA’s Patrick O’Leary has more.... More
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