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Horticulture Videos

Explore our collection of horticulture videos, including videos on sustainable farming practices, Manitoba Horticulture School, small farms, community gardens, horticulture management and more
Performance+: Protect your potato plant stems before row closure

Performance+: Protect your potato plant stems before row closure

Syngenta Sales Representative Sébastien Brière, in the field in Québec, discusses the importance of protecting the stems and lower leaves of your potato plants before your rows close.... More
Meet Prof. Gopi Paliyath (biochemistry of plants)

Meet Prof. Gopi Paliyath (biochemistry of plants)

Gopi is a professor in our Department of Plant Agriculture who researches solutions to costly issues and diseases in fruits and vegetables.... More
Performance+: Potato disease management

Performance+: Potato disease management

Brady Code, Eastern Technical Lead, discusses the value of Performance+™. Performance+ helps optimize crop performance by integrating Syngenta fungicides to create the most complete disease management solution, from the moment your potatoes are in the ground through harvest and storage.... More
Meet Prof. Barry Micallef (greenhouse vegetable production)

Meet Prof. Barry Micallef (greenhouse vegetable production)

Barry is a professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture who researches greenhouse plants, including tomatoes. For example, he works to improve harvest yields through physiological and genetic factors.... More
Grapevine Viruses

Grapevine Viruses

Grapevine Viruses : AgricultureCanadaEng... More
Supporting our potato and horticulture industry

Supporting our potato and horticulture industry

The 2018 Canada-PEI Fall Harvest Recovery Initiative will provide up to $15.6 million to assist affected producers with the extraordinary costs related to excess moisture and cold temperatures during the 2018 fall harvest.... More
Apples and Mother Nature

Apples and Mother Nature

Apple farmers must be prepared for whatever Mother Nature might throw their way. In this video, Murray will explain the tools they use to protect the apple orchard from the elements and harmful pests, while still keeping pollinators, workers, and the environment safe.... More

Working in Agriculture: Cooper

Working in Agriculture: Cooper's Hawk Vineyard

There are many local industries within the agriculture and agri-food sector. Workforce WindsorEssex created a video series called 'Working in Agriculture' featuring local companies and employees who work in the sector.... More
NB Wild Blueberry Week 2019

NB Wild Blueberry Week 2019

NB Wild Blueberry Week 2019 : New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick... More
Lavender Farm in Ontario

Lavender Farm in Ontario

Drone video filmed and produced for Apple Hill Lavender Farm located in Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada.... More


Organic strawberry form in Markham, Ontario.... More
Ontario Gardening Log - S01E09 - Good Weather, Lots of Growth

Ontario Gardening Log - S01E09 - Good Weather, Lots of Growth

Finished up more landscaping around the beds. The good weather is really starting to show in the crops, all the plants have put on significant growth since the last update.... More
Seasonal Workers in Canada: A Farmer’s Perspective

Seasonal Workers in Canada: A Farmer’s Perspective

Fruit and vegetable farming is labour intensive and many Canadian farmers, like Murray, have difficulty finding workers to fill the numerous seasonal positions needed to help plant, manage, and harvest their crops. The Seasonal Agricultural Workers’ Program (SAWP) brings workers from Mexico, Jam... More
Pick Your Own Cherries

Pick Your Own Cherries

We're at Cherry Avenue Farms in Lincoln Ontario (Beamsville) for their annual pick your own cherries... More
Have you seen my melons?

Have you seen my melons?

Have you seen my melons? : Urban Farmer Curtis Stone... More
The 2020 Code for Canada Fellowship

The 2020 Code for Canada Fellowship

Ontario farmers contribute nearly $40 billion to the provincial economy every year and put food on tables across Canada. Code for Canada fellows at Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs will support growers by making data about pests and other crop threats more integrated, ac... More
Interplanting Greenhouse Crops What

Interplanting Greenhouse Crops What's a Weed and what's a beneficial?

Interplanting Greenhouse Crops What's a Weed and what's a beneficial? : Urban Farmer Curtis Stone... More
Urban Farming in a Toronto Backyard

Urban Farming in a Toronto Backyard

Jessey and Misha farm four plots within Toronto— including two backyards. They're part of a new movement of urban farmers who are growing organic, local produce.... More
Vegetable garden in the Backyard

Vegetable garden in the Backyard

How to grow vegetables and fruits in your Backyard - Sustained Farming in your backyard. First in Series of the vegetables and fruits that we grow in Calgary, Canada. In this video, I provide a brief overview of my garden and the vegetables and fruits that have been grown for this season. ... More
Food Forest | Northern Ontario | Homestead Do-Over

Food Forest | Northern Ontario | Homestead Do-Over

The Food Forest Is Alive!!! The 4 fruit trees have been in for a month and so far so good. Everything is growing and it wont be long before we are harvesting Raspberries.... More
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