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Horticulture Videos

Explore our collection of horticulture videos, including videos on sustainable farming practices, Manitoba Horticulture School, small farms, community gardens, horticulture management and more
Pumpkins Offer an Extra Crop for Illinois Growers

Pumpkins Offer an Extra Crop for Illinois Growers

Since returning to central Illinois during the farm crisis of the 1980s, John Ackerman has raised various commodities, specialty crops... More
Fruit Industry Teams Up To Introduce New Apple Variety

Fruit Industry Teams Up To Introduce New Apple Variety

Two hundred apple growers and industry representatives have come to a field day in Prosser, Washington, to get a glimpse.... More
Farm Basics - Weed Control In Lawns-Gardens-Shelterbelts

Farm Basics - Weed Control In Lawns-Gardens-Shelterbelts

The Hefty brothers have some ways to keep weeds under control in your yard, garden, and shelterbelts.... More
Expanding Grape and Hops Production

Expanding Grape and Hops Production

With over 100 licensed wineries and 270 commercial vineyards, Iowa’s wine industry has a 420 million dollar impact on the state’s economy. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach strives to help producers be successful.... More
Farmers Losing Crops due to Worker Shortage

Farmers Losing Crops due to Worker Shortage

Without access to an adequate and stable workforce for harvest, farmers like Burr and Rosella Mosby are being forced to leave fresh produce to rot in the fields. The Mosbys say the current guest worker visa program is long overdue for reforms that would create flexibility for workers looking to ... More
Oklahoma Pecan Update

Oklahoma Pecan Update

Becky Carroll examines the state’s pecan crop and has information about the upcoming Fall Pecan Field Day.... More
"Meet You Farmer" Orbaker

"Meet You Farmer" Orbaker's Fruit Farm of Williamson NY Episode 2

In the second episode of "Meet Your Farmer", we meet Orbaker's Fruit Farm of Williamson NY. Orbaker's Fruit Farm is 127 year old family farm that grows apples, sweet and tart cherries and peaches. A packaging house helps Orbaker's... More

Weed Of The Week - Wild Carrot

Weed Of The Week - Wild Carrot

Learn how to get wild carrot under control on and around your farm.... More
Rice Harvest

Rice Harvest

As Texas rice farmers gear up for 2017 harvest, no news from the field means potentially good news at the mill.... More
Ground-Penetrating Radar Could Help Producers Dig Potatoes Early

Ground-Penetrating Radar Could Help Producers Dig Potatoes Early

Ground-penetrating radar might help the potato industry save water, according to Dr. Dirk Hays, Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant geneticist in the soil and crop sciences department at College Station.... More
Weed Of The Week - Bur Cucumber

Weed Of The Week - Bur Cucumber

Learn how to get Bur Cucumber under control on your farm.... More
High Tunnel Value Proven In High Plains’ Vegetable Production

High Tunnel Value Proven In High Plains’ Vegetable Production

High tunnels at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research station near Bushland have made a difference between having a vegetable crop and not having one to go to market this year.... More
Ag Minute - Eliminating Weeds In Your Yard

Ag Minute - Eliminating Weeds In Your Yard

Darren Hefty talks about why weeds are still showing up in your yard after spraying and better options to control them in your yard.... More
 Manitoba Potato Seeding

Manitoba Potato Seeding

Seeding potatoes in Manitoba... More
Citrus Greening Disease

Citrus Greening Disease

Kansas State researcher, Dr. Susan Brown, continues to lead the effort to battle citrus greening. This bacterial disease has cost citrus growers billions in lost revenue.... More
The Story of the Tulips- Planting to Harvest

The Story of the Tulips- Planting to Harvest

This video contains a year round compilation of the tulip cultivation at Maliepaard flowerBulbs in the south west of Holland.... More
High Tunnel Tomato Production In The Texas Panhandle

High Tunnel Tomato Production In The Texas Panhandle

Dr. Charlie Rush, Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant pathologist in Amarillo, is ready to learn some more lessons, and he has high hopes.... More
Healthy Soil For Healthy Plants And Environment: Agronomy Feeds The World

Healthy Soil For Healthy Plants And Environment: Agronomy Feeds The World

We all want a healthy, sustainable food supply. We don't want to harm the environment. Did you know that the health of the soil can impact the nutrition of plants, and keep the environment safer? Agronomists are specialists who work with growers to make decisions about soil, fertilizer, seed and... More
Ag Minute - Plant Food

Ag Minute - Plant Food

On this week's Ag Minute, Darren Hefty talks about the best plant food for your crops, garden, and lawn.... More
 How apple picking in January makes the world

How apple picking in January makes the world's best ice cider

Twenty years ago, nobody knew anything about ice cider, but Domaine Neige owner François Pouliot managed to build a global brand off of the cold Canadian beverage. Now, people all over the world are lining up to have a little taste of Quebec.... More
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