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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Humane Treatment: Our Top Priority

Humane Treatment: Our Top Priority

Humane Treatment: Our Top Priority... More
Surveillance of Circulating IBV Types Essential for Disease Control

Surveillance of Circulating IBV Types Essential for Disease Control

Surveillance aimed at pinpointing the type of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) that’s circulating in poultry flocks is essential to control of the disease.... More
Congress Helps US Ranchers

Congress Helps US Ranchers

Two new bills just introduced in Congress will help the livestock industry better serve consumers.... More
COVID 19 Forces New Marketing: Ranch to Table

COVID 19 Forces New Marketing: Ranch to Table

Saint Maries—Idaho ranchers are moving cattle, in the time of COVID-19, the industry is rapidly changing.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - The Benefits of Selling Groups of Calves

Cow-Calf Corner - The Benefits of Selling Groups of Calves

Glenn Selk has details on how selling calves in larger groups can prove financially beneficial.... More
Livestock question? What will you do

Livestock question? What will you do

With many abbatoirs shut down how will you finish or market your animals.... More
Visiting Neil Craven

Visiting Neil Craven's Cattle Farm

Taking a tour of Neil Cravens cattle farm and learning how he runs his birth to beef operation.... More

Watering Facility

Watering Facility

A watering facility is installed to provide a location for livestock to drink water. This video explores how George McClelland of Petaluma, CA, uses this practice to support the grazing plan on his organic dairy farm.... More
Pastured Pork Fundamentals

Pastured Pork Fundamentals

Pasture Song Farm is located on 90 acres of the Lundale Farm Preserve in Chester County. Farmers Jeremy Dunphy and Clara Osborne manage the operation, including the breeding, raising, and marketing of over 150 pigs each year.... More
How an Ontario pork producer gets it done?

How an Ontario pork producer gets it done?

New ways of getting top values from ESF, Controllers, and Software.... More
Gilt condition at farrowing

Gilt condition at farrowing

Gilt condition at farrowing | Swine it... More
Build a Tire Feeder

Build a Tire Feeder

How to build a low cost, high durability feeder for larger sows and boars.... More
Genetic Demand Starts With Consumer

Genetic Demand Starts With Consumer

Art and Stacy Butler, Spring Cove Ranch in Bliss, Idaho, include high-quality carcass traits in their seedstock so that their commercial customers may earn a premium.... More
Shift to Cage-Free Egg Production Prompts Need to Revise Health and Management Plans

Shift to Cage-Free Egg Production Prompts Need to Revise Health and Management Plans

Vaccinations and other preventative health measures are more critical than ever as the US egg industry shifts toward cage-free and no-antibiotics-ever production, according to an industry expert.... More
USMEF Market Update on Japan

USMEF Market Update on Japan

USMEF Market Update on Japan... More
Beef, Cattle Markets Adjust

Beef, Cattle Markets Adjust

Derrell Peel, Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist, Oklahoma State University, discusses how the beef cattle market adjusts to sudden and gradual changes.... More
Visiting the Herbert Dairy Farm

Visiting the Herbert Dairy Farm

I visited the Herbert dairy farm in Florence today and learned about how their operation works.... More
Angus Cattle Breeders Respond to COVID-19 and Market Disruptions with a Legacy of Resilience

Angus Cattle Breeders Respond to COVID-19 and Market Disruptions with a Legacy of Resilience

Tough times aren’t new, but 2020 sure brought us new versions of that old storyline. Yet traits like tenacity and resilience are bred into us, a part of our heritage. We come from a long line of tough cattlemen and women and hear their wisdom in everyday decisions. It gives momentum and hope.... More
Waste Transfer System

Waste Transfer System

A waste transfer system moves waste from where it's produced to where it will be used or treated.... More
Identifying Biological Factors Associated with Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Vaginal Microbiome

Identifying Biological Factors Associated with Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Vaginal Microbiome

In this video, Zoe Kiefer, a research associated from Iowa State University department of animal science, describes her research on biological factors associated with pelvic organ prolapse in late gestation sows.... More
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