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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
Beef Cattle Videos (1189) ›Dairy Cattle Videos (407) ›
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Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member and DCR Wendy Lantz

Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member and DCR Wendy Lantz

Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member and DCR Wendy Lantz | Chicken Farmer of Ontario... More
Why don

Why don't more farmers raise pastured chicken?

Local Chicken Farmer Chad sits down and explains why more farmers don't raise pastured chicken.... More
Tour a Turkey Farm

Tour a Turkey Farm

Meet Clair and Kathryn, Ontario turkey farmer! Join us for a tour and have your questions about turkey farming answered.... More
Small Butchers Earn Approval for Interstate Sales

Small Butchers Earn Approval for Interstate Sales

Small butchers earn approval for interstate sales... More
Naturally Speaking - Wildlife & Cutting Pasture

Naturally Speaking - Wildlife & Cutting Pasture

Dwayne Elmore has information for landowners wanting to cut native pasture while protecting wildlife habitat.... More
Markets with Derrell Peel

Markets with Derrell Peel

Oklahoma State University Livestock Marketing Specialist Derrell Peel discusses the beef processing sector’s continued recovery since the COVID-19 slowdown, and what’s ahead for the 2020 grilling season.... More
Turning forest into gardens with pigs

Turning forest into gardens with pigs

We've been turning forest into gardens with pigs for a few years now. For a low budget off grid homestead, it can be a great way to clear land and build gardens. It takes a while, and still requires manual labour but you don't need big machines, it's cheap like borsch, the pigs add fertilizer, A... More

Telemedicine, artificial intelligence, and managing change in pig production

Telemedicine, artificial intelligence, and managing change in pig production

Chris grew up in Orange City, Iowa, and in 2008, he saw an opportunity to join the family pork production business. As he began to buy and raise feeder pigs, he saw the writing on the wall; it was time to go big or go out of business.... More
What causes tail-biting in pigs?

What causes tail-biting in pigs?

What causes tail-biting in pigs? - Dr. Gottardo and Dr. Scollo... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Pinkeye

Cow-Calf Corner - Pinkeye

Then, in Cow-Calf Corner, Glenn Selk talks about factors that lead to pinkeye in cattle.... More
Whole Herd Drivers of Wean-to-Finish Mortality

Whole Herd Drivers of Wean-to-Finish Mortality

In this video, Dr. Edison Magalhaes from the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine explains his research on whole herd drivers of wean-to-finish mortality.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Naomi Blohm

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Naomi Blohm

Small meat processors look to stretch their business across state lines. An old crop gets new life in a crowded market. Market analysis with Naomi Blohm.... More
Tour a Dairy Farm

Tour a Dairy Farm

Meet Ontario Dairy Farmer Ashley! Learn all you'd like to know about raising cows, producing milk and how technology is important to farming.... More
Clear Creek Farms Ontario Organic Beef

Clear Creek Farms Ontario Organic Beef

We are an Organic family farm located in Southwestern Ontario between Chatham and London Ontario. Our family raises and sells and delivers dry-aged Organic Black Angus beef to customers throughout Ontario.... More
Reimagining Liver Health In Beef Cattle

Reimagining Liver Health In Beef Cattle

Scott Laudert, beef industry consultant, and Glen Dolezal, vice president for Cargill Protein, talk about liver abscess disease and how the beef community is working to keep making improvements.... More
Study: Live S. Typhimurium Vaccine Reduces S. Infantis Colonization

Study: Live S. Typhimurium Vaccine Reduces S. Infantis Colonization

Investing in vaccination programs to develop cross-protection against some of the most common strains of Salmonella could help limit the number of foodborne outbreaks of the pathogen, according to a poultry expert.... More
Economics of Meat Packing

Economics of Meat Packing

Azzeddine Azzam, UNL Professor of Agricultural Economics, talks about consolidation in the meat packing industry and how the pandemic could alter the way consumers buy their meat.... More
How to Develop Heifers - Heifer Development

How to Develop Heifers - Heifer Development

Are you struggling with reproductive success in your heifers? What can you do to raise and retain replacements? How can you secure your investment? We are excited to present the latest webinar brought to you by Angus University, “Developing Replacement Females: What steps should I take?”... More
Poultry Executives Indicted on Price fixing Charges

Poultry Executives Indicted on Price fixing Charges

Meat companies are still shipping beef, pork and chicken overseas while dealing with plant closings during the pandemic.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says meat processing is starting to move back toward normal, but it has a long road ahead.... More
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